V. 4 No. 40 - The Slater News





PERFECTION IN TEXTILES -- A SLATER FAMILY TRADITION SINCE 1790 Old Slater Mill Pawtucket, R. I. Est. 1790 [Pencil drawing of three-story mill with tower] THE SLATER NEWS Slater Mill SLATER, SO. CAROLINA 1943 [Pencil drawing of mill] Vol. 4 Slater, S. C., August 21, 1947 No. 38 Textile Meet is Voted Success Attending the two-day conference on Human Relations, sponsored by the Greenville Textile Club and the Parker Schools, were George W. Pridmore, Lloyd T. Scarce, J. B. Martin, and William Lybrand from the Slater plant. This was the first time this conference had ever been held, and from reports of those attending, it was voted a success. The program began on August 15 and continued through Saturday, August 16. It was held at Parker district's Blythe Shoals Camp. During the first day's session, those attending heard Frank Aiken, President of the Greenville Textile Club, welcome the delegates to the session, and also heard him speak on the subject of "The Place of the Second Hand in the Plant." Also heard on the program were L. P. Hollis, superintendent of the Parker schools, Alan B. Sibley, treasurer of the Judson Mills, and Douglas T. Smith, industrial engineer of the American Vicsose Corporation. On Friday night, practically all of the overseers, supervisors and male members of the office force of the Slater company attended and saw a motion picture entitled "Under the Stars." This picture was furnished through the courtesy of the Proctor and Gamble Company. During the Saturday session, John J. Carson, personnel consultant of J. D. Woods and Gordon, Ltd. of Canada, was on the program, as well as E. G. Michaels, II, the adminstrative assistant to the assistant general manager of Marshal Field Company, and Dr. W. P. Jacobs, president of the American Cotton Manufacturers Association. It is believed by those attending that this conference will become an annual affair, as it covers a subject which is growing in prominence throughout the textile plants of not only the county but throughout the nation. [Photograph of althetic team posing with coaches on a playing field. Photo and text span columns 2-5] Shown above are members of the Samuel Slater Post No. 118 American Legion Junior Baseball Team, who came out in district play with a record of ten wins and three losses. This was the first year this Post had ever sponsored a team, and many of the players were without previous experience. On the right is Aubrey Ledford who coached the team, and on the left is William Lybrand, Commander of the local Post. TENNIS TOURNAMENT WINNERS ANNOUNCED The Slater Community Tennis Tournament was held the last week of July on the courts at Slater Hall, with much interest being shown by the participants and spectators. Trophies, furnished by the Slater Community Association, were awarded to the winners and runner-ups in the three brackets at a Community Party held at Slater Hall, Tuesday night, August 19. Twelve local men and boys entered the Senior Men's Bracket. Struggling through to the semi-finals were Harold Knight, Bill Lybrand, Dillard Veal and "Slick" Oglesby. Oglesby emerged the victor by defeating Knight in the semi-finals and Veal in the finals. Entering the Women's Bracket were Wilma Cox, Veltra Smith, Frances Buchanan, Elsie Pittman, Ann Ledford, and Edna Southerland. Wilma Cox defeated Frances Buchanan in the finals to win this contest. There were 16 local tennis enthusiasts entering the Junior Boys' Tournament, which was restricted to boys 15 years of age and under. The four still in the contest for the semi-finals were Maxie Robinson, Joe Cashion, Junior McMakin, and "Rusty" Cox. Robinson defeated McMakin and Cashion defeated Cox in the semi-finals, which resulted in Cashion defeating Robinson by the scores of 7-5 and 6-3. During this tournament, much good tennis playing was displayed by participants in all three divisions, and it is hoped that the local tennis players will enjoy another exciting tournament next summer.

Club Programs Offer Training The library clubs for children are maintaining a regular schedule during the summer, even though some youngsters of the community are away on vacation. The librarian urges the children in the village who have not yet joined one of these clubs to do so at once so that they may avail themselves of the fun and training offered in these groups. The librarian also wishes to impress upon the children and their parents the importance of regular attendance at club meetings during the fall and winter months. Since most of the work is planned according to units or projects, each club period lays the foundation for the next one; thus, the child is "behind" in his club work if he is absent, for certain accomplishments are expected at each meeting. Each club meets in the library at 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon, and the daily schedule is as follows: Monday ------ Girls' Club Wednesday ----- Boys' Club Thursday ------ Story Hour (First and Second Streets) Friday ----- Story Hour (Third and Fourth Streets)

[Text box reads] NOTICE Mr. Allen Suttle, General Manager of the Slater Community Association, has announced that orders for winter coal are now being taken in the Association office. Everyone is urged to place their orders as soon as possible in order that they may receive their coal before the cold weather strikes. [text box ends]

PREP EMPLOYEES TO BE COMMENDED Overseer O. R. Drury's second shifters in the Preparation Department are very proud of the total number of years the 56 employees have worked here at the Slater plant. The 56 empoyees now on the payroll have had a total of 301 years of Preparation experience here at Slater. However, the second shifters like to think of it in terms of pooling their experience, which gives an average of slightly over 5 years experience per employee. Three employees who contribute generously to the grand total of 301 years are Roy Burnett who has been with the company 17 years, Louise Barton who also boasts of 17 years of Preparation work here, and Tom McCombs who tops them all with his 18 years. Omer Phillips is also to be commended for his 11 years of service. The following second shifters should receive honorable mention for their years of Preparation experience here: Boyce Parnell -- 9 years, Alvin Rice -- 9 years, Coleman Finley -- 8 years, Louise Hall Cox -- 7 years, C. D. Rice -- 7 years, Bertha Jones -- 7 years, Gladys Childs -- 7 years, B. F. Barton -- 7 years, Mary Brooks -- 7 years, and Overseer O. R. Drury -- 7 years. In addition, there are two employees on this shift who have been working 6 years and 15 who have been here 5 years. Mr. Drury boldly challenges other departments in the plant to try to match the record set by his employees. Company officials are very proud of the record which these workers have made by their long years of service. This proves that job satisfaction is highly evident among Mr. Drury's employees.

Local Golf Club Sponsors Contest On August 2, the Slater Golf Club sponsored a very unique golf meet at the Slater Golf Course. All players participating could play the entire nine-hole course with only one iron. This event was won by Roy Summey, with a score of 44, and his partner, Bill Stephenson, with a score of 50, giving a total score of 94. In second place were Ansel McMakin and his son, Ansel, Jr., with scores of 44 and 55 respectively, or with a total score of 99. In the second contest, nine holes were played as a two-ball foursome with one iron. This contest was won by J. A. White and Dalton McWhite, with a score of 48. Roy Summey and Bill Stephenson came in second with 49. Prizes were awarded the winners in each of these contests. The Slater Golf Club has a total membership of 30, and reports are to the effect the course is in excellent condition. All persons interested in golf are urged to come out and play whether or not they join the club.

THREE SLATER MEN ATTEND CONFERENCE Attending the Sixth Annual Southeastern Personnel Conference at Duke University at Durham, N. C. from the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. were Robert H. Atkinson, Industrial Relations Manager; P.J. Acree, Assistant Office Manager; and J. A. Brady, Paymaster. This conference was held on August 18, 19, and 20. The Slater men were joined at Durham by other members of the Carter Fabrics group. Also attending was Mr. Frank A. Cook, Director of Industrial Relations for the Carter group of mills, from the central offices in Greensboro. Some of the most outstanding men in the field of personnel administration throughout the United States appeared on these programs. The program was studded with excellent speakers, and those attending reported a very worth while and profitable conference.

Young Folk Picnic At Paris Mt. Park Members of the Young People's Training Union Class at Slater Baptist Church and their guests attended a picnic at Paris Mountain State Park, Tuesday evening, August 5. The group enjoyed games and hiking, after which a delicious picnic lunch was served. (Con't on page 2, col. 3)

Last edit about 2 years ago by amyln


Page Two THE SLATER NEWS August 21, 1947

The Slater News Published Every Two Weeks By Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. Established 1790 In The Interest of Its Employees

[Image of a triangle emblem with the letters NCIE] [Image of a triangle emblem with text SAIE EDITORIAL PRODUCTION APPEARANCE]


ROBERT H. ATKINSON --------- Editor CECIL S. ROSS --------- Asst. Editor LILY ALEXANDER ------Circulation Mgr. CLAUDE GUEST ----------- Photographer

REPORTERS Weave Room: Nellie Barnette, Gladys Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sarah Canham, Dessie Burrell, Pearl Price, Doris Jones and Sarah Lee Foster.

Preparation Department: Jessie Vassey, Julia Brown, Bertha Jones, Blanche McCall, Nellie Ruth Payne, Ruth Campbell, D. P. Garrick, Tom Boggs, and Marguerite Waddell.

Cloth Room: Opal W. Smith.

Commissary: Jorene Vickers.

Office: Betty Foster and Jeanne Ernest.

Community: Ruth Johnson, Ruby P. Reid.


Success In Life

The foundations on which most successful men build their fortunes are as simple as a copybook maxim. There was, for instance, John D. Rockefeller, reputed to have been the richest man in the nation. The biggest word in his vocabulary was "thrift," and it was no gesture when in his old age he distributed dimes among his little friends with the suggestion that they be used frugally until they grew into dollars.

This revealed no niggardly spirit in the man, as his millions in generosity otherwise attested, but was good advice to a world so accustomed to spend more than it earns. The entire Rockefeller philosophy of life was founded on his daily practices, embodied in the trite adage that his friends gathered from his informal talks. Some of them were as follows:

"Live within your means. One of the swiftest toboggans I know is for a young man just starting in life to go into debt."

"Do all the good you can. Be earnest. Do not be afraid to do your share of work."

"There is no feeling in the world to be compared with selfreliance. Do not sacrifice that to anything else."

"Do not grow old before your time. Maintain an interest in life and in all living things."

"I think it is a man's duty to make all the money he can, and give all he can."

"Persevere. If you make mistakes, remember that it is only human to err, but try again, and try harder."

"The true economy of life, I have found, is to find the man who can do a particular thing, and then let him do it unhampered."

Rockefeller practiced what he preached. From the day he drew his first pay—$4.50 a

[Column 2]

SLATER DAY BY DAY [in text box]

About this time every year, August gives way to September.

September means school — and school means clothes.

All summer long, small Betsy and young Johnny have worn practically no clothes—just the briefest of things possible in an effort to keep cool. (And, incidentally, this practice helps their bodies to store up resistance against next winter's colds and flu.)

But now, with the coming of school, Johnny must put on a shirt and Betsy must put on a skirt, all in the name of fashion, mind you.

So mother begins to look over the wardrobes of her pride and joy, and she finds that the cute little gingham dress Betsy was so fond of last spring is entirely too small now. And oh-me-ohmy, she also discovers that Johnny's pants are too tight around the middle and too short at the bottom, even with the cuffs turned down, and his shorts are too small.

Worry, worry, worry. Now what to do?

Wait a minute, lady; don't despair. There is a lot of wear in those clothes yet. Just look around and find some child smaller than your Betsy and your Johnny, and see if those clothes won't be a perfect fit. This child might have a brother or sister who is larger than Johnny and Betsy, and maybe they have some things they have outgrown too that your child can wear.

Kind of an outgrown clothing exchange idea, among friends and neighbors.

Of course, we realize that it would be a breach of etiquette to offer outgrown clothing to our friends and neighbors unless they are clean and in good repair. So sew on those buttons, patch that hole, and if the patch on Betsy's wool skirt is too conspicuous, embroider a flower over the patch or applique a cute little doggie of a contrasting color.

Let's see if a lot of people won't profit by the exchange idea! [First column continues here] ____________ week—he kept an exact record of every cent received and expended. It is significant that some of his earlist entries were such items as "50 cents to a poor woman," and "25 cents to a poor man."

Later in life, when muckrakers and trustbusters were at his throat, he voiced this sentiment: "Sometimes things are said about us that are cruel and they hurt. But I never despair. I believe in man and the brotherhood of man, and am confident everything will come out for the good of all in the end. I have decided to say nothing, hoping that after death the truth will gradually come to the surface, and that posterity will do strict justice." ____________

Reputation is a bubble which others can blow up or burst by what they say behind your back.—O. A. Battista, Everybody's Wkly.

[Column 3] Cloth Room Chatter

Mr. and Mrs. John Reaves and son and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams enjoyed visiting relatives in Hendersonville, N. C. recently.

Mrs. J. L. Burns visited with her sister, Mrs A. B. Lanning, of Asheville, N. C. recently.

Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Stroud and Bobby Jean and Guy Shirley spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Duff Stroud recently.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Balding and family, Mr. Henry Coleman, and Miss Patsy Southerlin spent a delightful week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson at their summer cottage at River Falls.

Mr. and Mrs. John Ball and family of Brevard were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hester and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith enjoyed a fish supper with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wigington and friends recently. ___________

Young People

(Con't. from page 1, col. 5)

Those attending this outing were: Misses Mary Dodson, Sallie Hand, Mildred Farthing, Betty Vassey, Ellen Huffman, Louise Booth, Carol Ann Richardson, and Elsie Pittman.

Also, F. J. Brannon, Jr., Ray Johnson, James Hand, Dillard Veal, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hyer, Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Jenkins and Ronnie, and the counselor, Mr. Hines S. Richardson. _______

Some years ago, Lord Halifax, now Great Britain's Foreign Secretary, was traveling to Bath, and shared a railway compartment with two very primlooking, middle-aged women. Shortly before reaching Bath the train passed through a tunnel, and taking advantage of the darkness, he noisily kissed his own hand several times. As the train drew into the station he rose, took off his hat, and in his most gallant manner asked: "To which of you two charming ladies am I indebted for the delightful incident in the tunnel?" He then beat a hasty retreat, leaving the two women glaring at each other. __________

Back in the '80's, James O' Neill (father of Eugene) was touring Texas with his famous production of Monte Cristo. Playing to a typical frontier audience one night, things had gone particularly well, and the old melodrama was galloping along to the final duel. When O'Neill drew his sword and hissed, "Your time has come," to Danglars, the villain, a cowboy in the balcony could not stand it a second longer.

"If you don't fix him," he shouted, loosening his holster, "I will!"

Poor Danglars was quaking in his shoes. "Mr. O'Neill, kill me quick!" he whispered. Never was the duel more electric, nor the final lunge more desperately real.

"That's right," came the voice from the balcony. "If you hadn't done it, I certainly would."


[Column 4] James Embry was called to his home in Danielsville, Ga. last week due to the illness of a sister.

Loag Landreth of the third shift is rushing toward completion of his house, and it looks like matrimony in the near future!

Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reynolds and relatives enjoyed a picnic in the Smoky Mountains.

Third shifters welcome Homer Smith of Greer to work with them in the Preparation Department.

Sandra and Gail Marie Burgess, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Burgess, are spending two weeks in Belton and Anderson visiting relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. John Austin and boys were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Burgess and family last Sunday. Mrs. Austin and Mrs. Burgess are sisters.

Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Trammel spent Sunday visiting in Woodruff.

Mrs. Betty Price of Miami is visiting Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Cooper of Slater.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mullinax of Pickens spent Wednesday afternoon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Childs.

Robert Dunn says he saw some extra large fish, but they happened to be in the hatchery. Too bad the fish were already caught, Robert!

Pug Waddell reports that there was a very successful revival meeting in his church during the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foster have moved into their pretty new home on the highway near Marietta toward the Earls' Bridge.

Ben Grice reports he killed a very large ground hog last week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McCauley and son, Mrs. Mildred Bennett, Mrs. Mildred Sanders, and Mr.

--------------------------------------------------- Four Local Ladies Work At Abbeville

Employees of the DrawingIn Department welcome Selma Blackwell, Jettie Ledford, Julia Brown, and Lucille McMullan back to work after an absence of three weeks. These ladies have been working at Abbeville while work was slack here at Slater.

The smiles on their faces can mean only one thing — they must have had a grand time. They say they received a warm welcome upon their arrival at Abbeville. They were met by Superintendent Adams, who carried them through the plant showing them the different styles of cloth being made. They also report that Mr. Hooker and Mr. Norris are good "boss men" and they enjoyed working under their supervision.

Everyone is glad to have these four ladies back at the Slater plant, but at the same time, it is well they had the opportunity of seeing another Drawing-In Department in operation and meeting the new people there.

[Column 5] [Continued from the middle of column 4] and Mrs. J. E. Hart were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hughey in Gaffney, Sunday.

During the recent warm weather, "Shorty" Miller moved his trailer house under the shade of a big tree.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hayes were recent dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Looper at Dacusville.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tate and daughter, Jessie, attended the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Ward in Greenville.

We believe that the third shift can boast having the most affectionate sisters of the entire plant. When the two are together, they are always holding hands as if in desperate love. The interesting pair happens to be Mary McCauley and Mildred Bennett.

The sudden death of Jack Ledford caused widespread sorrow among friends and fellow workers. Jack was a very energetic young man and possessed a very pleasing and interesting personality. He was a friend to everybody and will be greatly missed.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McCoury of Unicoi, Tenn, and Mrs. Annie Cochran of Hampton, Tenn. visited Mr. and Mrs. David Tolley of Marietta, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Childs and family spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Tumblin of Travelers Rest.

Dr. Plainfield of Pioneer Park will hold a revival meeting at Ebenezer Baptist Church beginning August 24. The services will be held for one week.

Mr. and Mrs. Crayton Brady and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Broadus Abbott of Renfrew recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Batson enjoyed the week-end in Hendersonville, N. C. -----------------------------------------

[Continued from the bottom of column 4] A famous Southern dining club guards against long-winded after-dinner speakers by placing a piece of ice in the hands of a man when he's called on to speak, and making him hold it. The result is usually a talk of about two minutes or less.



----------------------------------------- UNSAFE at HOME

Sooner or later you'll fall for this


Last edit 9 months ago by kat3005


August 21, 1947 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three


Friends of Jesse C. Reynolds will be sorry to learn that he is in the hospital. We wish for him a speedy recovery.

Miss Dorothy Barnett honored her mother with a birthday dinner Sunday, August 3.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Barnett enjoyed the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Belt of Westminster.

We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Marion Henderson's sister. Mr. Henderson has our deepest sympathy.

Employees of Weave Room No. 1 welcome Mrs. Ethel Clary to their department as a battery filler.

Askell, Leland, and Douglas Barnett say they enjoyed their recent fishing trip although their luck was poor. We wish you better luck next time, boys.

Rev. Buster Martin, pastor of the Cedar Lane Baptist Church, and his family were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Thrift of Travelers Rest.

Miss Sarah Lee Foster and Edward Bryant enjoyed boat riding at Table Rock State Park, Sunday.

Miss Louise Waldrop, daughter of Mr. T. E. Waldrop, recently visited her parents here at Slater. Louise is a nurse at University Hospital in Augusta, Ga.

Mr. and Mrs. Buford Peterson are the proud parents of a big boy.

Third shifters in No. 2 welcome James Robinson and Elbert McDonald, Jr. to their department.

Mrs. Teague Jones of Atlanta, Ga. was a recent visitor of Mrs. G. E. Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Owens and son and Misses Daisy and Jessie Batson were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walt Stroud.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Smith of Greenville, Mr. William Peake of Asheville, and Mr. and Mrs. Turner Jones enjoyed a picnic at Ball Rock recently.

Mrs. Georgia Smith and son, A. L., are spending a few days with Mrs. G. E. Smith.

Third shift employees in No. 2 miss Frank Foster since he has been transferred to the second shift, but wish him the best of luck.

[COLUMN 2] S/Sgt. A. L. Smith celebrated his birthday August 3 in the 49th General Hospital in Tokyo, Japan. We are glad to learn that he isn't seriously ill.

We are glad to hear that John and Willie Hart's two sisters are recuperating nicely after being injuried recently in an automobile accident.

Duck Smith tells us that Mr. Frank Thompson, third shift overseer in No. 2, is a good carpenter as well as overseer. We understand Mr. Thompson has been doing quite a bit of carpenter work recently.

Second shifters in No. 2 are glad to have Frank Taylor working with them and hope he will enjoy his work.

Carolyn Ann and Elaine Bellamy, little daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Buford Bellamy, are visting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Holman Fowler, in Danielsville, Ga.

Employees of the second shift in No. 2 welcome James Shockley, Jr. as a weaver.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pridmore had as their recent guest, Miss Sallie Crow of Inman.

Miss Pearl Price and her mother, Mrs. Ruby Price, along with several other members of the family, were recent visitors in their home town, Spring Creek, N. C.

Lawrence E. Smith will be greatly missed by all his Slater friends, who wish him the best of luck on his new job. We welcome Arthur Brown to fill the vacancy.

Miss Pearl Price and family gave her brother, William Price, a birthday dinner Sunday. The dinner was enjoyed by everyone present.

Second shifters in No. 2 were sorry to lose their overseer, Mr. R. W. Couch, Jr., who was transferred to Carter Fabrics Corporation in South Boston, Va. They wish him the best of luck on his new job. Mr. R. L. Sartain, who has been working as loom fixer, is being promoted to overseer to fill Mr. Couch's job.

Alvin Rice is working temporarily in the Supply Room, and we hear he is doing a good job.

Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Huffman had as their guest last week, Mrs. Dorothy Warren of Hickory, N. C. --------------------------------------- [BOTTOM LEFT COLUMN] HENSON—GUEST

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Henson of Slater, S. C. announce the marriage of their daughter, Iris Evelyn, to John Earl Guest, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Guest of Travelers Rest, S. C.

The wedding was solemnized on August 2 at 3:00 o'clock at the home of the officiating minister, the Rev. Stevie P. Hester, pastor of the Reedy River Baptist Church.

The bride's attire consisted of an aqua gabardine suit with which she used black and white accessories. Her corsage was of red rosebuds.

The young couple enjoyed a short wedding trip to Asheville, N. C., and they are now at home with the groom's parents.

[Column Two] One night William Howard Taft, then a young law reporter, finished studying a case in Somerville, Ohio, and discovered that he could not get back to his office that night unless he could stop a through express. He wired division headquarters: "Will you stop through express at Somerville to take on large party?" Promptly came back the reply: "Yes."

When the train arrived, the conductor said to Mr. Taft, "Where's the large party we were to take on?"

Mr. Taft regarded his own comfortable bulk ruefully and laughed. "I'm it," he said, stepping aboard the train.

[COLUMN THREE] Theatre Guide

August 23, 1947 "RUSTLERS OF DEVIL'S CANYON" Starring:: Allen Lane Martha Wentworth Bobby Blake ------------------ August 25, 1947 "LIVING IN A BIG WAY" Starring: Gene Kelly Charles Winninger Marie McDonald ------------------ August 29, 1947 "WYOMING" Starring: William "Bill" Elliott John Carroll Vera Ralston ------------------ August 30, 1947 "WOMAN ON THE BEACH" Starring: Joan Bennett Charles Bickford Robert Ryan ------------------ September 1, 1947 "THUNDER MOUNTAIN" Starring: Tim Holt Richard Martin Martha Hyer ------------------ September 5, 1947 "TWO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST" Starring: Alan Ladd William Bendix Brian Donlevy ------------------ Popular Book Now At Slater Library

The Slater Library has a copy of one of the leading best sellers, "The Egg And I," by Betty MacDonald.

This book is an account of the experience of two newly weds who wanted to buy a little place in the country and get away from it all! These young people tried to realize their dreams by embarking upon the development of a chicken farm on the west coast. Bob knew a few rudiments of the poultry business, but Betty thought of chickens and eggs only in terms of "something to eat". What she learned about the egg, baby chicks who were always trying to kill themselves, insects, moonshiners, Indians, bears, pigs, and Neighbors is the theme of this rollicking, entertaining book which is bubbling with humor.

Get "The Egg And I" at the Slater Library and read it at your earliest convenience. ------------------

For the last few years, the United States has enthusiastically imported from Middle America vast amounts of a "product" which, added together, would probably fill only a brief case. The "product" is the native music of these neighboring countries to the south. Recently, however, the tables were turned when songwriters Albert Gamse and Irving Fields of New York came up with a hit tune titled "Managua, Nicaragua." The song found such favor with Nicaraguans that the two New Yorkers have been awarded that Middle American country's Distinguished Service Medal.


In view of the fact that there are many sweltering days ahead before summer gives way to cool, bracing Autumn days, we wish to pass on to our readers a number of "Tips and Tricks" listed in "The Homemaker" magazine for July, 1947—tips that we believe will prove helpful to all those who like to beat the hot weather with picnics or other forms of outdoor eating.

"The Homemaker" begins this General Feature by listing eight pointers under the title, "Pleasure-Packed Picnics." Since space does not permit us to give you all of these pointers, we list verbatim the following five:

1. Do flies and bees bother you when you picnic? Cover your food with old metal lamp shade frames to which you have attached mosquito netting. Or protect your food with the bottom part of a transparent hat box.

2. For quantity cooking on a picnic, construct this simple barbecue pit. Cut an air vent from the side of an old wash tub, and then remove the bottom. Attach wire grate or heavy mesh screen to bottom and place over coals, bottom side up. On this you can cook a lot of hot dogs at once.

3. An ordinary bread or cake box makes an excellent picnic hamper. Attach a leather strap to keep the lid closed and use the strap as a handle. Or carry your lunch in an old suitcase, gaily painted.

4. An old-fashioned corn popper works well as an outdoors wiener broiler. Be sure to get a long-handled one to save burnt fingers.

5. If you pack food for picnics in glass jars, protect the jars from breakage when traveling with strips of rubber. Just cut an old inner tube into inch-wide strips and place two of these around each jar.

Now let us give you two of "The Homemaker's" tips for outdoor cooking:

1. Surprise the folks by putting the trimmings inside, rather than on top of the hamburgers! Make two thin hamburger patties of beef, salt and pepper. On top of one, place a very thing slice of onion, a tablespoon of sweet pickle relish, then the other patty. Pinch edges of the patties together and fry or broil until brown. Serve in a bun. Or instead of the pickle relish, use horse radish, catsup, or mustard.

2. When serving roasted corn or barbecued chicken to be eaten with the fingers, your guests will appreciate it if you have warm water handy. A child's gay sand bucket makes an appropriate finger bowl.

With these few tips for enjoyable picnics and outdoor cooking, let us wish for you many happy outdoor excursions during the remainder of the summer. And incidentally, how about taking a book or magazine to read as you relax somewhere in a shady nook! The library can supply you with this material, so come in and select some today. We'll be looking for you.


The August 4 meeting of the Girls' Library Club was a very enjoyable occasion since it featured a "cooking party". The girls met at the library and selected their books, after which they went to the community kitchen at Slater Hall. There the group made "cinnamon squares" which were served with Pepsi-Colas during the social period.

The following girls are members of the club: Sandra Burgess, Diane Barnes, Joyce Bryant, Nancy Burnette, Frances Burnette, Marcelle Buchanan, Judy Cox, Molly Cooper, Ann Orr Cooper, Elaine Childs, Sarah Jane Christopher, Carolyn Dixon, Barbara Godfrey, Sigrid Gosnell, Betty Garrett, Joyce Hargrove, Jackie Hayden, Barbara Lou Hester, Frances Hester, Sarah Faye Johnson, and Carolyn Moody.

Also: Mavis Morgan, Mary Jane McMakin, Imogene Parker, Betty Lou Phillips, Jessie Clyde Poole, June Pridmore, Margaret Robinson, Martha Robinson, Violet Ross, Joan Rowland, Peggy Scarce, Freddie Truesdale, Gay Truesdale, Mary Ann Tilley, Freida Thornton, Ann Thompson, Ruby Tolley, Barbara Ann Thornton, Janice Williams, and Molly White.

The drinks and the ingredients for the "cinnamon squares" were furnished by the Slater Community Association. -------------------------- BATSON—BATSON

Mrs. Elliott Batson of Marietta announces the marriage of her daughter, Dorothy, to Elgin Batson, son of Mr. Jordan Batson and the late Mrs. Batson of Travelers Rest, of August 2.

The rites were performed at the home of the Rev. J. T. Gillispie, who used the double ring ceremony.

Following a short wedding trip to the mountains of Virginia and Kentucky, the couple is making their home near Marietta.

Mrs. Batson is a graduate of Slater-Marietta High School and is currently employed in the office of Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. --------------------- Card Of Thanks

Mrs. Delia Miller and family wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to the ones who were so kind and thoughtful to Mrs. Miller during her illness and hospitalization.

They especially thank those who donated blood for transfusions and those who offered to donate. The flowers, cards, visits, prayers, and expressions of friendliness were also appreciated.

May God's richest blessings rest on each of you for having been so considerate. -------------------

When right, you can afford to keep your temper. When wrong, you can't afford to lose it.—Frank E. Polk, Birmingham News-Age-Herald.

Last edit 9 months ago by kat3005


Page Four THE SLATER NEWS August 21, 1947

[image: hand drawn stork carrying a baby] Births

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams are the proud parents of a daughter born at the Wood Memorial Clinic on August 8. The little girl, who has been named Mary Lujean, weight 6 lb., 15 oz. at birth.

Mrs. Williams is the former Miss Frances Cole of Slater.

Mr. Williams is an employee of Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc., where he works in the Weaving Department.


Rev. and Mrs. Willis Anthony of Tigerville announce the arrival of a 6 lb. baby girl at the Wood Memorial Clinic on August 12.

Mrs. Anthony is the former Miss Willice Mae Pace of Pickens County.

Mr. Anthony is a student at North Greenville Junior College.



Now, it develops, we have something else in common with one of our Middle American neighbors. That something is the onion.

Not to be sniffed at, either, are these cargoes of onions. Involving 32,441,854 pounds during 1946, they were valued at $1,372,193.

It looks like a good bargain for both the U. S. and Cuba. We enjoy their pineapples and cocoanuts, their tobacco, bananas and tomatoes transported by United Fruit Company's Great White Fleet -- and they, in turn, are eager for our onions. Much of the gastronomic allure would be missing from such Cuban Culinary creations as arroz con pollo (saffron-tinted chicken and rice), rueda de pargo (fish cooked in a sauce of onions, peppers, peas and tomatoes) and caldo gallego (beans, cabbage, potatoes) -- without the indispensable and healthful onion.


It is not marriage that fails; it is people that fail. All that marriage does is show people up. -- Harry Emerson Fosdick, Today's Woman.

[advertisment spans columns 1 and 2] NEW ITES AT CLOTH SHOP!

OVERALLS - "ANVIL" BRAND Men's Sizes--30 to 46 Boys' Sizes--4 to 18 Low Back with Elastic

Cloth Arriving Daily in New Fall Colors Part Wool Crepes, Flannels, & Gabardines


[image of women sitting for a club photo, spans columns 2 through 4]

Pictures above are members of the Junior Homemakers' Association of Slater-Marietta High School and counselors who attended the J. H. A. Camp at Mountain Rest, S. C the week of July 22-28.

Standing left to right are: Misses Ruth Laws, Polly Connor, Doris Hargrove, Sarah Wylie, Betty Vassey, Lois Sanders, Lorena Whitted, Alice Talley, Jean Hester, Nellie Mae Blevins, Darlene Mayfield, and Betty Bruce.

Seated left to right: Misses Carrie Baker, Jean Tankersley, Mrs. James N. Cleveland, II, and the camp counselors, Misses Martha Seawright, Edith Williams, Suzie Huff, and Frances Nickles.

Mrs. Cleveland is sponsor of the local club.

J. H. A.`s Make Curtains At Monthly Meeting

The regular monthly meeting of the Slater-Marietta Junior Homemakers' Association was held recently in the Home Economics room of the high school building.

At this meeting, the members began making new curtains for the windows of the Home Economics room. The curtains will be completed before the 1947-48 session begins in September.

Delicious refreshments consisting of cookies and lemonade were served.

Members present at this meeting were: Lorena Whitted, Kathleen Green, Joyce Drake, Darlene Mayfield, Nellie Mae Blevins, Jean Hester, Betty Vassey, Doris Hargrove, Patricia Sumey, Katherine Guest, Mildred Conner, Lois Conner, Janet Cooper, Mary Dodson, Josephine Knight, and Mrs. James N. Cleveland, II, the sponsor.

Baseballers Win And Lose Game

Listed below are box scores for two games played recently by the Slater Baseball Team. In the first of these games, the Slater boys were defeated by Renfrew by a one-run margin, the score being 9-8 in favor of Renfrew. However, in the game with Camperdown, the local team emerged the victor by the score of 8-0.

Brown, 3b 5 4 3 0
Lockaby, ss 6 1 1 0
Knox, 1b-p 3 0 0 0
Foster, ef-1b 5 2 2 0
Wood, lf-cf 5 0 1 1
E. Poole, e 3 1 0 0
Turner, rf 5 0 0 0
M. Poole, 2b 5 0 1 0
B. Granger, p 2 0 0 0
Poole, 1b 3 0 0 0
Total 42 9 7 1
Wilson, lf 3 2 1 1
Puckett, 2b 4 1 0 2
Taylor, 1b 5 3 4 0
McMakin, cf 5 1 3 1
Dudley, 3b 5 1 1 0
Rampey, p 3 0 1 0
McCall, p 1 0 0 0
Hall, rf 5 0 1 0
Lybrand, ss 5 0 2 2
Christopher, c 5 0 0 1
Total 41 8 13 7
Renfew 101 002 310 1--9
Slater 220 020 002 0--8
Two base hits -- Taylor, Lybrand, Brown; three base hits -- Taylor, McMakin; Base on balls -- Rampey 3, McCall 2. Granger 1, Knox 2; Strike outs -- Rampey 5, McCall 1, Granger 1, Knox 1; Umpire -- Granger.


Camperdown AB R H E
McDowell, ss 4 0 1 0
Williams, 2b 4 0 1 1
Guest, 1b 4 0 1 1
Cooksey, 3b 4 0 1 0
H. Davis, lf 4 0 2 0
Whitaker, cf 4 0 1 0
Barnett, c 3 0 0 0
E. Davis, rf 4 0 0 0
Coln, p 2 0 0 0
Rollins, p 2 0 0 0
Total 35 0 7 2
Wilson, 2b 5 1 0 1
Rampey, lf 3 2 1 0
Cashion, c 3 2 2 0
McMakin, cf 3 1 1 0
Taylor, p 5 0 0 0
Lybrand, ss 5 1 2 1
Dudley, 3b 5 0 2 0
Cox, rf 3 0 0 0
Hall, 1b 2 1 0 0
Total 34 8 8 2
Camperdown 000 000 000--0
Slater 002 010 032--8
Two base hits -- H. Davis, Dudley; Home-runs -- Rampey, McMakin; Double plays -- McDowell, Williams, Guest; Base on balls -- Coln 4, Rollins 5; Strike outs -- Coln 3, Rollins 1, Taylor 8; Umpire -- Barnett.


The way to convince another is to state your case moderately and accurately. Then scratch your haed, or shake it a little and say that is the way it seems to you, but that of course you may be mistaken about it; which causes your listener to receive what you have to say and, likely as not, turn about and try to convince you of it, since you are in doubt. But if you go at him in a tone of positiveness and arrogance, you only make an opponent of him.


The successful man lengthens his stride when he discovers the signpost has decived him. The failure looks for a place to sit down.--"Quote"

[image of barber chairs that span columns 4 and 5] YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED Thank You - Call Again Slater Barber Shop - Slater, S. C. N. C. HAWKINS, Proprietor


Miss Betty McMullan, Miss Louise Booth, Mr. W. K. Knox, and Mr. Dillard Veal went picnicking Sunday at Asheville Recreation Park, Asheville, N. C.

Mrs. Frances K. Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. William Bane and son, Billy, all of Charlotte, were guests in the home of Miss Maxine Carter during the past week.

Mr. Frank A. Cook of the Greensboro Office, accompanied by his wife and children, Abie and Gloria, spent several days in Slater recently.

Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Cooper are having as their guests this week her sister, Mrs. Sam Price, and Mrs. Price's daughter, Sarah Faith, both of Miami, Fla.

Mrs. H. W. Dendy and children, Tony and Sandra, of Shelby, N. C. were recent guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Thompson and Miss Martha Thompson.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H. Phillips attended the St. Luke's Methodist Church in Walhalla, Sunday.


On Friday evening, July 18, Miss Betty Foster of Woodruff and Greenville became the bride of Lewis Melvin Gillespie of Easley. The double ring ceremony was performed at Georges Creek Baptist Church near Easley by the Rev. T. G. Kelly.

Following a wedding trip to Floria and the mountains of Tennessee and Alabama, the young couple is now residing at Easley.

Mrs. Gillespie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foster of Woodruff, was educated in the Woodruff schools and at the Draughon's Business College in Greenville. She is now employed in the office of the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. at Slater.

Mr. Gillespie, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Gillespie of Easley, received his education in the Easley schools and now holds a position with the Scurry & Nixon firm in Greenville.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by MKMcCabe
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