Page Two THE SLATER NEWS August 21, 1947
The Slater News
Published Every Two Weeks
Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Established 1790
In The Interest of Its Employees
[Image of a triangle emblem with the letters NCIE]
[Image of a triangle emblem with text SAIE EDITORIAL PRODUCTION APPEARANCE]
ROBERT H. ATKINSON --------- Editor
CECIL S. ROSS --------- Asst. Editor
LILY ALEXANDER ------Circulation Mgr.
CLAUDE GUEST ----------- Photographer
Weave Room: Nellie Barnette, Gladys
Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sarah Canham,
Dessie Burrell, Pearl Price, Doris
Jones and Sarah Lee Foster.
Preparation Department: Jessie Vas-
sey, Julia Brown, Bertha Jones,
Blanche McCall, Nellie Ruth Payne,
Ruth Campbell, D. P. Garrick, Tom
Boggs, and Marguerite Waddell.
Cloth Room: Opal W. Smith.
Commissary: Jorene Vickers.
Office: Betty Foster and Jeanne Er-
Community: Ruth Johnson, Ruby P.
Success In Life
The foundations on which
most successful men build their
fortunes are as simple as a
copybook maxim. There was,
for instance, John D. Rocke-
feller, reputed to have been the
richest man in the nation. The
biggest word in his vocabulary
was "thrift," and it was no ges-
ture when in his old age he
distributed dimes among his
little friends with the suggest-
ion that they be used frugally
until they grew into dollars.
This revealed no niggardly
spirit in the man, as his millions
in generosity otherwise at-
tested, but was good advice to
a world so accustomed to spend
more than it earns. The entire
Rockefeller philosophy of life
was founded on his daily prac-
tices, embodied in the trite
adage that his friends gathered
from his informal talks. Some
of them were as follows:
"Live within your means.
One of the swiftest toboggans
I know is for a young man just
starting in life to go into debt."
"Do all the good you can. Be
earnest. Do not be afraid to do
your share of work."
"There is no feeling in the
world to be compared with self-
reliance. Do not sacrifice that
to anything else."
"Do not grow old before your
time. Maintain an interest in
life and in all living things."
"I think it is a man's duty to
make all the money he can, and
give all he can."
"Persevere. If you make mis-
takes, remember that it is only
human to err, but try again,
and try harder."
"The true economy of life, I
have found, is to find the man
who can do a particular thing,
and then let him do it un-
Rockefeller practiced what
he preached. From the day he
drew his first pay—$4.50 a
[Column 2]
DAY BY DAY [in text box]
About this time every year,
August gives way to Sep-
September means school —
and school means clothes.
All summer long, small Betsy
and young Johnny have worn
practically no clothes—just the
briefest of things possible in an
effort to keep cool. (And, in-
cidentally, this practice helps
their bodies to store up resist-
ance against next winter's
colds and flu.)
But now, with the coming of
school, Johnny must put on a
shirt and Betsy must put on a
skirt, all in the name of fashion,
mind you.
So mother begins to look over
the wardrobes of her pride and
joy, and she finds that the cute
little gingham dress Betsy was
so fond of last spring is entirely
too small now. And oh-me-oh-
my, she also discovers that
Johnny's pants are too tight
around the middle and too
short at the bottom, even with
the cuffs turned down, and his
shorts are too small.
Worry, worry, worry. Now
what to do?
Wait a minute, lady; don't
despair. There is a lot of wear
in those clothes yet. Just look
around and find some child
smaller than your Betsy and
your Johnny, and see if those
clothes won't be a perfect fit.
This child might have a brother
or sister who is larger than
Johnny and Betsy, and maybe
they have some things they
have outgrown too that your
child can wear.
Kind of an outgrown cloth-
ing exchange idea, among
friends and neighbors.
Of course, we realize that it
would be a breach of etiquette
to offer outgrown clothing to
our friends and neighbors un-
less they are clean and in good
repair. So sew on those buttons,
patch that hole, and if the
patch on Betsy's wool skirt is
too conspicuous, embroider a
flower over the patch or ap-
plique a cute little doggie of a
contrasting color.
Let's see if a lot of people
won't profit by the exchange
[First column continues here]
week—he kept an exact record
of every cent received and ex-
pended. It is significant that
some of his earlist entries were
such items as "50 cents to a
poor woman," and "25 cents to
a poor man."
Later in life, when muck-
rakers and trustbusters were at
his throat, he voiced this senti-
ment: "Sometimes things are
said about us that are cruel and
they hurt. But I never despair.
I believe in man and the
brotherhood of man, and am
confident everything will come
out for the good of all in the
end. I have decided to say
nothing, hoping that after
death the truth will gradually
come to the surface, and that
posterity will do strict justice."
Reputation is a bubble which
others can blow up or burst by
what they say behind your
back.—O. A. Battista, Every-
body's Wkly.
[Column 3]
Cloth Room Chatter
Mr. and Mrs. John Reaves
and son and Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Williams enjoyed visit-
ing relatives in Hendersonville,
N. C. recently.
Mrs. J. L. Burns visited with
her sister, Mrs A. B. Lanning,
of Asheville, N. C. recently.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Stroud
and Bobby Jean and Guy Shir-
ley spent the day with Mr. and
Mrs. Duff Stroud recently.
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Balding
and family, Mr. Henry Cole-
man, and Miss Patsy Souther-
lin spent a delightful week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. John-
son at their summer cottage at
River Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ball and
family of Brevard were the
week-end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Hester and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith en-
joyed a fish supper with Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Wigington and
friends recently.
Young People
(Con't. from page 1, col. 5)
Those attending this outing
were: Misses Mary Dodson,
Sallie Hand, Mildred Farthing,
Betty Vassey, Ellen Huffman,
Louise Booth, Carol Ann
Richardson, and Elsie Pittman.
Also, F. J. Brannon, Jr., Ray
Johnson, James Hand, Dillard
Veal, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hyer,
Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Jenkins
and Ronnie, and the counselor,
Mr. Hines S. Richardson.
Some years ago, Lord Hali-
fax, now Great Britain's
Foreign Secretary, was travel-
ing to Bath, and shared a rail-
way compartment with two
very primlooking, middle-aged
women. Shortly before reach-
ing Bath the train passed
through a tunnel, and taking
advantage of the darkness, he
noisily kissed his own hand
several times. As the train drew
into the station he rose, took off
his hat, and in his most gallant
manner asked: "To which of
you two charming ladies am I
indebted for the delightful
incident in the tunnel?" He
then beat a hasty retreat,
leaving the two women glaring
at each other.
Back in the '80's, James O'
Neill (father of Eugene) was
touring Texas with his famous
production of Monte Cristo.
Playing to a typical frontier
audience one night, things had
gone particularly well, and the
old melodrama was galloping
along to the final duel. When
O'Neill drew his sword and
hissed, "Your time has come,"
to Danglars, the villain, a cow-
boy in the balcony could not
stand it a second longer.
"If you don't fix him," he
shouted, loosening his holster,
"I will!"
Poor Danglars was quaking
in his shoes. "Mr. O'Neill, kill
me quick!" he whispered. Never
was the duel more electric, nor
the final lunge more desperate-
ly real.
"That's right," came the
voice from the balcony. "If you
hadn't done it, I certainly
[Spans column 4&5]
[Column 4]
James Embry was called to
his home in Danielsville, Ga.
last week due to the illness of
a sister.
Loag Landreth of the third
shift is rushing toward comple-
tion of his house, and it looks
like matrimony in the near
Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Reynolds and relatives enjoyed
a picnic in the Smoky Moun-
Third shifters welcome
Homer Smith of Greer to work
with them in the Preparation
Sandra and Gail Marie Bur-
gess, daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
O. H. Burgess, are spending
two weeks in Belton and
Anderson visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. John Austin
and boys were the dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. H.
Burgess and family last Sun-
day. Mrs. Austin and Mrs. Bur-
gess are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Trammel
spent Sunday visiting in Wood-
Mrs. Betty Price of Miami is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. V. E.
Cooper of Slater.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mullinax
of Pickens spent Wednesday
afternoon in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Marvin Childs.
Robert Dunn says he saw
some extra large fish, but they
happened to be in the hatchery.
Too bad the fish were already
caught, Robert!
Pug Waddell reports that
there was a very successful
revival meeting in his church
during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foster
have moved into their pretty
new home on the highway near
Marietta toward the Earls'
Ben Grice reports he killed a
very large ground hog last
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McCauley
and son, Mrs. Mildred Bennett,
Mrs. Mildred Sanders, and Mr.
Four Local Ladies
Work At Abbeville
Employees of the Drawing-
In Department welcome Selma
Blackwell, Jettie Ledford, Julia
Brown, and Lucille McMullan
back to work after an absence
of three weeks. These ladies
have been working at Abbe-
ville while work was slack here
at Slater.
The smiles on their faces can
mean only one thing — they
must have had a grand time.
They say they received a warm
welcome upon their arrival at
Abbeville. They were met by
Superintendent Adams, who
carried them through the plant
showing them the different
styles of cloth being made.
They also report that Mr.
Hooker and Mr. Norris are
good "boss men" and they en-
joyed working under their
Everyone is glad to have
these four ladies back at the
Slater plant, but at the same
time, it is well they had the
opportunity of seeing another
Drawing-In Department in
operation and meeting the new
people there.
[Column 5]
[Continued from the middle of column 4]
and Mrs. J. E. Hart were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Hughey in Gaffney, Sunday.
During the recent warm
weather, "Shorty" Miller
moved his trailer house under
the shade of a big tree.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hayes
were recent dinner guests with
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Looper at
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tate and
daughter, Jessie, attended the
golden wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Ward in
We believe that the third
shift can boast having the most
affectionate sisters of the entire
plant. When the two are to-
gether, they are always holding
hands as if in desperate love.
The interesting pair happens to
be Mary McCauley and Mildred
The sudden death of Jack
Ledford caused widespread
sorrow among friends and
fellow workers. Jack was a
very energetic young man and
possessed a very pleasing and
interesting personality. He was
a friend to everybody and will
be greatly missed.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mc-
Coury of Unicoi, Tenn, and
Mrs. Annie Cochran of Hamp-
ton, Tenn. visited Mr. and Mrs.
David Tolley of Marietta, Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Childs and
family spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Tumblin of
Travelers Rest.
Dr. Plainfield of Pioneer
Park will hold a revival meet-
ing at Ebenezer Baptist Church
beginning August 24. The
services will be held for one
Mr. and Mrs. Crayton Brady
and family visited Mr. and
Mrs. Broadus Abbott of Ren-
frew recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Batson
enjoyed the week-end in
Hendersonville, N. C.
[Continued from the bottom of column 4]
A famous Southern dining
club guards against long-wind-
ed after-dinner speakers by
placing a piece of ice in the
hands of a man when he's call-
ed on to speak, and making
him hold it. The result is usual-
ly a talk of about two minutes
or less.
The SAFE Way
Sooner or
later you'll
fall for this
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