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Columbai Wash May 14th 1898
The Town Council of the Town of Columbia
met in extra session for the purpose of
consultation with Mr F H Osgood, manager
of the Rainier Ave Electric Ry Co over the
matter of franchise for operating said Railway
within the platted limits of the Town of Columbia.
An agreeable understanding was apparently
arrive at and meeting adjourned to convene
agains on thrusday evening May 19th for
final terms with regrd to said franchise.
Council met again on thursday
evening May 19th Roll Call arswered by
Campbell, Osgood, Cameron and Hepler.
Petition of A H Hepler for a two inch pipe from
water main to the sidewalk of
property for fire protection read and referred
to the water committee.
Communication of Mrs. M B Andrews with
reference to her water tax read and referred
to the water Committee with instruction to
report at next regular meeting.
Petition for a public telephone read and
the matter referred to Mr. F H Osgood to be
laid before the manager of the Telephone Company
Railway franchise matter was then taken
up and a committee of the Council was
appointed to confer with the City Attorney and
Mr F H Osgood and to draw up an ordinance
for such a franchise to be submitted to
the Council at next regular meeting for
consideration. Messrs Cameron, Lawrence
and Campbell were appointed bythe Mayor
for this committee.
By regular motion meeting adjourned.
C S Chase clerk

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