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Board of Alderman of the City of Seattle

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Nov 6

Jt. Res. #4
to change
grds of St.
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The following communication was recd
from the H of D. Joint resolution No. 4.
That the B of P. Wks. be enpowered to
change the grounds at the corner of
12th & Columbus Sts. and at the corner of
3rd & Stewart Streets provided that the
majority of the property owners aff-
ected are in favor of such changes. And
provided from then that the City
Engineer consider such changes feasible
and desirable and the Committee on
Streets of both Houses of the City Council
assent. The resolution had 1st and 2nd
reading and motion made to lay same on
table. Ayers & Noyes ordered and vote
stood as follows: In favor Korn Wilcox
2. Against Bogardus Holbook Miller
Pontius Snyder Ward Mr. Prest. 7. Motion
lost. Alderman Ward moved same
be referred to Judiciary Committe. Carried
and so ordered.

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Jt. Res #5
Furnishing of
Fire Boat
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H of D sent joint resolution #5.
Resolved: that the B of P wks be in-
structed to complete the furnishing of
the Fire Boat ["?"] and incur
the necessary expense therefor. Same
read 1st and 2nd time and motion given.
3rd reading an placed on final passage.
The vote was as follows: In favor
Bogardus Holbrook Korn Miller Pointius
Snyder Wald Wilcox Mr. Prest. Against None.
Bill handed to Prest. for signature. Alderman
Snyder objected and moved a recal-
culation of the vote, and that Joint
resolution No. 5 be referred to the Fire
& Wager Com. Motion carried and so ordered.

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