Journal of the Proceedings of
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Nov 6
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Said petition to Coporation Council.
Amendment carried and ordered.
Com. on Health & Police to whom was
referred B of A Bill No. 16 defining the no.
of the Police Forced. Reported favorably
on same and same given 3rd reading.
Passed by the following vote in favor
Bogardus Holbrook Korn Miller Pontius
Snyder Wald Wilcox & Mr. Prest. Against
none. Same reported to H of D for concurret
Communication from the Mayor appoin-
ting N. L. Rodgers for Port Warden on vote
being taken Mr. Rodgers was confirmed by
vote of 5 in favor and 4 against.
Special Committee on furnishing reports
recommending the payment of bills of Hy
Barke and G. Seymore. Report read
& adapted and bill ordered given to the
Auditing Committee.
Petitions from F. M. Sargent and H. J. Palmer
for position of Janitor were allowed read
and ordered placed on file.
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8th & Wash.
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Motion made by Korn that the Board
of Public Works be requested to order the
Street Superinendent to repair the side-
walk on the corner of 8th & Washington Sts.
at once as the place is very danger-
ous to pedestrians. Motion carried and
so ordered.
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