Board of Aldermen of the City of Seattle
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Nov 6
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cast at the last Municipal Election held
therein: The petition in our judgment
although the last statute is not clear
[ought?] to be show at least one fifth (1/5)
of the actual votes in the district or
Territory sought to be annexed. It seems
that this petition complies with these
Statutory provisions: The law requires
that if there should be favorable action
by the City Council upon the petition
that an election shall be held at such
time as the City Council may designate
for the purpose of ascertaining whether
the majority of the people under
the old incorporation as well as
a majority of the voters in the dis-
-trict sought to be annexed are
favorable to the annexation.
We are of the opinion that the City
Council has a right to determine in
the first instance whether the ann-
exation of the New Territory is desirable
under the existing provisions of law.
The City Council ought to be very careful to
ascertain before putting the City to the
experience of a special election that
at least one fifth of the active voters
in the old Corporation as well as
in the territory sought to be annexed
have already petitioned for the
annexation. And your Committee
after a careful consideration of all
matters in relation to the pryer of
the petitioner would recommend the
adoption of the report as presented by
your Committee.
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