Journal of the Proceedings of the
[left margin] Nov. 8 1890 [/left margin]
Be it remembered that on this the 8th day of November A. D. 1890 The B of A of the City of Seattle meet in special session pursuant to adjournment. Prest. Geo W. Hall in the chair. At roll call the following members are present: Holbrook Korn Miller Pontius Ward Wilcox & Mr. Prest. Bogardus being absent H. W. Miller Clerk: The following proceedings are had to wit: On motion of B of A went into a committee of the whole with the members of the Board of Public Works Messrs Cohrane, Heilbron & Reinhart and Benzette Williams. The Prest appointed Alderman Korn Chairman.
Alderman Ward moved that the Board take a recess subject to the call of the Chair for the purpose of looking over the plans and specifications submitted by Mr. Williams and in order to confer with one another - carried.
[left margin] Williams Matter investigation of [/left margin]
After recess the Meeting was called to order by Prest Geo Hall Chairman Korn being called away: on reassembling Alderman Snyder moved that Mr. Williams be requested to submit a proposition what he will take in full settlement to date for his services needed as Engineer of the Water Works or for any services in connection therewith on with the Sewerage System; and that said settlement shall include and be for all maps data & Specifications now in possesion of Mr. Willis on became in his possesion and by virtue of his
53 Board of Aldermen of the City of Seattle
[left margin] Nov. 8 1890 [/left margin]
Said position as Soil Engineer and said settlement to be final and cancel all contracts now existing - Motion carried.
Alderman Wilcox moved that the Ordinance pending be delayed until the proposition from Mr. Williams for a final settlement be made. Carried.
Alderman Miller moved that the Committee now rise to sit again and report progress in the matter before said Committee of the whole. Carried.
[left margin] Report of Benezette Williams from petition [/left margin]
Alderman Wilcox took the chair and Chairman Hall reported reported as follows: Your Committee of the whole to whom was referred the matter of reaching some settlement as regards a certain contract now existing between the City of Seattle and Benezette Williams of Chicago for services as Engineer of the Water Works of said City under said contract, which wish to report that the same was under consideration and the said Benezette Williams was requested to make another proposition as to what he would take in final settlement of the contract between himself and the City, and if his proposition be accepted the now existing contract to be null & void. On motion the report of tthe Committee was adopted. The Board was then dismissed to meet according ot a former adjournment viz. Monday Eve.
Journal of the Proceedings of the
Nov 8 1890
November 10th AD 1890 at 7 20 PM Attest H.W. Miller City Clerk Keldon P. Drown Depty Clk
Approved Geo. W. Hall Prest
Nov 10th 1890
Be it remembered that on this the 10th day of November A.D. 1890 the Board of Aldermen of the City of Seattle meet pursuant to adjournment in their Council Chamber Geo W. Hall in the Chair. At roll call the following members are present viz: M.H. Bogardus, FWD Holbrook H.A. Pontius W.A. Snyder, F.W. Wald F.N. Wilcox Mr. Rust H.W. Miller clerk in being absent from the City The following proceedings are had to wit:
Report of Police Judge Mo of Oct
Report of the Police Judge Pormouthe ending Oct 14 accompanied by receipt fpr fees collected within said time; Read rep to H&P Com:
Fred Nate pet.
Petition of Fred Nate for Correction of Apparent error in assessment of property; read and ref to JudiciaryCom:
Frank Paul pet.
Petition of FrankPal for adjustment of assessment error: Read & rep to Jud Com
G C Phinney Pet
Petition of G C Phinney et al for sidewalk on West Street Read and ref to St Imp Com