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Journal of the Proceedings of the

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Nov. 8
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Be it remembered that on this the 8th
day of November A. D. 1890 The B of A
of the City of Seattle meet in special
session pursuant to adjournment. Prest.
Geo W. Hall in the chair. At roll call the
following members are present: Holbrook
Korn Miller Pontius Ward Wilcox &
Mr. Prest. Bogardus being absent H. W. Miller
Clerk: The following proceedings are
had to wit: On motion of B of A went
into a committee of the whole with the
members of the Board of Public Works
Messrs Cohrane, Heilbron & Reinhart
and Benzette Williams. The Prest appoin-
ted Alderman Korn Chairman.

Alderman Ward moved that the Board
take a recess subject to the call of the
Chair for the purpose of looking over
the plans and specifications submitted by
Mr. Williams and in order to confer
with one another - carried.

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Williams Matter
investigation of
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After recess the Meeting was called to
order by Prest Geo Hall Chairman
Korn being called away: on reass-
embling Alderman Snyder moved that
Mr. Williams be requested to submit a pro-
position what he will take in full
settlement to date for his services need-
ed as Engineer of the Water Works or for
any services in connection therewith on
with the Sewerage System; and that
said settlement shall include
and be for all maps data & Spe-
cifications now in possesion of
Mr. Willis on became in his
possesion and by virtue of his

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