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Ordered that the Ordinance granting to Geo Kinnear & Wm R Braw-
the right to lay a street rail way be & the same is re-referred to
the Ordinance Committee with instructions for said Committee
to confer with the city Attorney & said Kinnear & Brawley
& to submit such ordinance as may be agreed upon
Ordered that all matters of complaints against members
of the Police force be & are hereby referred to a Committee on Police
matters; to wit: Clancy, Jennings & Keezer
Ordered that the chief of Police be & he is hereby instructed
to assign the members of the Police force to such stations
as he may deem best
And Now the Council proceeds to fill the vacancy exis-
ting in the Office of Harbor Master by an election; whereupon
James H Wooley receiving a majority of all the votes of said
Council, he is duly declared elected to fill such vacancy for
the term provided by law
And now the Special Committee to whom was referred certain
matters pertaining to the City Cemetarys make their report;
thereupon said report is received & it is ordered that all the
funds now in the Treasury to the Credit of the Cemetary
Fund be expended in Cleaning & Fencing the new City
Cemetary or so much thereof as can be
Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned
Attest E S Osborne
Approved L P Smith
Be it remembered that on this the 3rd day of March 1883
the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council
chamber pursuant to law
The following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor
L P Smith, the Councilmen Thomas Clancy, John Collins,
M Densmore, Wm A Jennings, John Keenan, Moses Keezer
& Charles McDonald

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