Thereupon the following proceedings are had:
A communication is received from John Baker asking the
appointment as a Special Police Officer ordered filed
The regular monthly reports of the following City Offices are
received & ordered filed to wit: Health Officer, Harbor Masters
Street Commissioner, City Attorney and City Treasurer.
The report of the City Justice is referred to the Finance Committee
A report is received from the Fire Committee recommending
the removal of all China Wash Houses from the Fire Limits
thereupon the report is adopted
A report is received from the Street Committee upon the
petition of E A Turner & others for the opening of Weller Street;
Thereupon the report is adopted & the prayer of the petition granted
A report is received from the Street Committee upon the
petition of James Gleeson & others for the construction of a
sidewalk on Jackson Street; thereupon the report is adop-
ted & the prayer of the petition is granted
A report is received from the Street Committee upon
the petition of J A Stewart & others for the opening of Pine Street
thereupon the report is adopted and the prayer of the petition
And now, this being the time specified in the Notice
to Contractors given in pursuance of Ordinance No 257 the Coun-
cil proceeds to open & consider all bids that have been received
for the Construction of the side walk under said Ordinance; thereupon
the bid of T P Roberts is opened & read which bid is in consid-
eration of the sum of $745.00 It appearing to the Council that
this is the only bid receivedd the consideration thereof is laid
over until next meeting
Orderd that the new City Cemetary be surveyed and
platted under the direction of the Cemetary Committee
And now the finance Committee makes their report
upon the taxation matter of Melody Choir; thereupon it is
ordered that a Warrant be drawn on the City Fund in the
sum of $1.81 in full for such wrongful taxation
And now the Ordinance Committee returns the petition
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