Sept 19/84
Committees Report
From Judiciary Comtee on the Claims of J F McNaught recommeding that
the amount thereof $80.00 be credited on his assessment for Columbia Street
From the Special Committee on the charges preferred against Police Officer
T J Small recommending that he be dismissed from the Police Force. Adopted
upn the following vote, to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Frye, Harrington,
Snyder, Sox, Yesler & Latimer Against adoption Northrup& Rinehart
An now His Honor the Mayor recommends that the Police force be
reduced 2 numbers, by reason of said force being larger than necessary
Ordered that Officer T J Small be dismissed without predjudice from the Police Force
for the reasons to wit: Insubordination & Absence from beat during the
hours of duty.
From the Judiciary Comtee recommending that the contract for
furnishing gas be awarded to the Seattle Gas Light Co for one year & in case
of its refusal to furnish for a period of less that 2 years or in case they refuse
to allow the awarding of contracts for lighting, cleaning & repairing to the
lowest responsible bidder, that the clerk be instructed to advertise for bids
for furnishing kerosine lights. Adopted upon the following vote, to wit:
In favor of adoption Clancy, Northrup, Snyder, Sox, Rinehart Against adoption
Frye, Harrington, Yesler & Latimer
From Gas Comtee recommending that the City take Lamp No 220 at
$7.00 & Freight $1.50 total $8.50, that the Gas Co be authorized to send for
48 Lamps at $7.00 with out freight & insurance, also to send for one Doz. globe
extra. Adopted
The balance of the report recommending the awarding of the contract to
the Gas Co. for lighting & repairs is ordered stricken out.
Licenses Ordered Issued
Ordered that licenses be issued as follows to wit:
S Kirschberg for Retail liquor for 3 months from Aug 31
Peter Anderson & Co for Retail liquor for 3 months from Sept 6
Gumbert & Dickman for Retail liquor for 3 months from Sept 1
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