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Aug 23 1887
call system, read and on motion granted provided
the poles are put up under the direction of the
Street commissioner.
Petition of M McDonald to make certain alterations and
repairs to that cetain building standing next to the
alley on the north side of Washington Street between
Commercial and South Second Streets known as Mc
Donald's Exchange
, read and motion granted sub-
ject to the approval of tehChief of the Fire Department.
Petition of August Wolff for the return of certain
license money read and referred to the Committee
on Licenses and Revenue.
Application of Davis & Davis for a liquor license is
referred to Com on License and Revenue..
Billd Allowed
The following claim against the ciyty having been
duly audited and allowed by the Council is ordered
paid by warrant drawn as follows:
Albro Gardner, Warrant No 1453 on Madison Street Imp.
Fund under Ordinance No 839...$169.87
On motion of Councilman Reitze the Street Commission-
er is ordered to build a sidewalk 120 feet in length
from the East Side of Third Street to the alley on the
South Side of Pine Street, and the Clerk directed
to withdraw his published call for bids for building
said sidewalk.
An Ordinance is submitted by the Clerk Entitled
"A Special Ordinance appropriating money to pay
audited bills" which is passed by the following
vote: In favor of the same, Frink, Green, Niesz,
Russell & Reitze Against the same none.

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