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Aug 23 1887
Ordered that the Council do now adjourn until
Friday evening meet at 7 30 o'clock
Approved J Furth Acting Mayor
Attest W R Forrest Clerk
Aug 26 1887
Be it remembered that on this 26th day of August
1887 the Common Council of the City of Seattle
meets in the Council Chamber pursuant to ad-
journment. The following officers are present, to wit:
Acting Mayor J.Furth, and Councilmen Frink, Green,
Moran, Niesz, Russell & Reitze and W R Forrest Clerk.
The following proceedings are had to wit
Petitions etc
Petition of Allmond & Phillips Foundry Company for
permission to remove catch from Water Street, read
and motion granted
Petition of Dupont & Hopkins for permission to use
unoccupied land foot of Madison Street for a fish
stand read & referred to Street Committee.
Petition of Mrs M J Pontius, for permission to lay
water pipes in 3rd, 4th, 5th, Pontius, Albert, Howard
& Lincoln Street read and on motion granted.
Communication from the Acting City Attorney
giving his opinion on the sufficiency of the deed
from the Director of the School District No 1 to the
City of Seattle read and on motion laid on the table
and On motion the deed is accepted and the
Clerk directed to draw a warrant for the sum of
$4000 in favor of the Board of Directors of School Dist No 1
for the property conveyed to wit: Lots 9 & 12 Blk 52 AA Denny's adn

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