Nov 16 1888
Maynard's Plat, read and referred to the Judiciary Com.
Petition of Board of Trade for amending ordinance
relative to auctioneers, peddlers etc read and referred
to the Committee on Fire & Water.
Petition of Jno R Kinnear and others for planking
Bluff Street from Victory Street to Short Street
read and referred to the Street Committee.
Petition of W A Bird andothers for opening and grading
Wilford Street from Jackson Street south read and
referred to Committee on Streets.
Petiton of J Winters for permission to put platform
and awning in front of building in [Commercial St]
Read and referred to Committee on Public Buildings & Grounds.
Communication for P P Carroll attys for Louis Engels
claiming damages for said Engels on account of
injuries received while working in a sewer for
the City, read and referred to the City Attorney.
Communications for Chief of Police asking for a safe
read and referred to the Judiciary Committee.
Petition os A E McInerney for use of a portion of
Harrison Street read and referred to Street Committee.
Petitoin of H G Struve andothers for grading Second
Street from Pine to Blanchard Street read and
Granted provided that the warrants drawn for pay-
ment of such improvements shall not have theinterest
thereon uarenteed by the City, and property owners
along the line of such improvement agree to take
the warrants as par or near par value. On motion
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