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679 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Dec 12 1888 Congress of the United States asking for the immediate admission of Washington Territory as a State under the name of the State of Washington, and that the City Attorney and the City Clerk be instructed to prepare such memorial and have the same ready for submission to the Council at the next regular meeting. Ordered that the Council do now adjourn. Approved Robert Moran Mayor Attest W R Forrest Clerk Dec 21 1888 Be it remembered that on this 21st day of December AD 1888 the Common Council of the City of Seattle met pursuant to law in their Council Chambers in the City Hall. Present His Hon. Mayor Robt Moran, Councilmen F.J. Burns, D.E. Durie, Jos. Green, T.E. Jones, Jos. McCombs J.F. McDonald, U.R. Niesz, C.F. Reitze and Clerk W.R. Forrest Petitions etc. Petition of W Mason for permission to put partition in Kinnears building No 216 So. Second Street. Read & referred to Committee on Fire & Water. Petition of Andrew Nelson to have personal property tax #1025. Stricken from the Assessment Roll he being a nonresident. Read and referred to Judiciary Committee. Petition of Felix Rose and others for opening alley between Front & West, Virginia & Stewart Streets. Read & Referred to Street Committee. Petition of McNatt & Clark for permission to raise sidewalk on Main St. corner of Second St. and extend porch along

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


680 JOURNEY OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 21 1888 said street a distance of about 20 feet. Also for permission to put a partition in said building. Read & referred to Committe on Fire & Water. Petition of J.C. Blowers and other for opening alley in Block 92 D D Dennys First addition. Read & referred to Committee on streets. Petition of V Hugo Smith for grading Park and Market streets and building sidewalks on East side of said streets, from the N.E. boundary of Jackson street addition south to southern boundary of New Wilfred addition. Read and referred to street Committee. Communication from Amos Brown and others asking the Council to pass and ordinance to secure the construction of bulk-heads on both sides of Spring street from west side Front street west to alley. Read and referred to street Committee. Petition of T.H. Hackett for a quit claim deed from the City to petitioner for Lot 5 Blk 52 Dennys East to Dennys add'n Read and granted. Petition of Ed Terry and others for the extension of South Third street a distance of two blocks south of King Street. Read and referred to Street Committee. Petition of Jos. Campbell for permission to move a frame building from Lot 7 B. 20 C D Brown's] add. to Lot 3 B. 20 AA Dennys 3d addn. Read and Referred to street Committee. Petition of Lewin and Hannock for permission to tear down and remove certain frame buildings from Commercial street. Read and referred to Street Committee with power to act.

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


681 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Dec 21 1888 Petition of L.W.Foss for permission to change location of door in front of building corner of Cherry and Second streets and remove partition from said building. Read and referred to Com. on Fire & Water. Petition of J D Chase to secure bulk-head on Yesler Avenue. Read and referred to Street Com. and City Engineer with power to act. Petition of Geo F Woolston for a franchise to law water pipes submitting ordinance. Read and referred to Com. on Fire and Water. Petition of J.M. Thompson for francise for railway system operator by wire cable. Electricity or smokeless & noisless moters. Read and referred to street Committee. Petition of John Graf for opening alley in Blk 36 Boren's addn. Read and referred to Street Committee. Communication from Jno G. Scurry, City Surveyor in regard to grade Mill, Commercial and other streets. Referred to Street Com. Communication from a Citizen in regard to butchers feeding hogs upon blood, entrails etc making them unhealthy. Referred to Com. on Health and Police. Petition of Davidson and Co for a change of license from Davidson and Grubb to Davidson and Gunderson they having filed new bond Granted. Committee Reports From Street Committee recommending that the matter of widening Commercial and Willow streets and extending Front street through the alley in Blk 8 Maynard Plat be brought up at a special meeting. Adopted and the matter continued until next Friday. From same Committee granting petition of David

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


682 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 21 1888 Gilman and others to establish grade on University street from Front street to Railroad Avenue. Adopted. From same Committee recommending that the petition of Jno Collins for grading Second street from James to Mill streets be granted so far as to allow petitioner to make temporary grade. Adopted. From same Committee granting petition of S.N. Sorenson for a sidewalk on Spring street from Second to Third streets the cost thereof to be assessed to abutting property owners. Adopted. From same Committee on petition of Jno L Kahaley et al. for the opening of alley through Block 47 Terrys 1st. addn, "That the opening means the grading of said alley which should be done at the expense of the property owners and that if this is what the owners wish they petition accordingly. Adopted. From same Committee granting the petition of Chas Baker and others for the planning of Front street from Battery to Vine streets. Adopted. From same Committee recommending that petition of Mary L. Damon & others for change of sidewalks on 5th street be referred to City Surveyor. So ordered. From same Committee granting the petition of Geo Dorffel & others for opening Kenny street & clearing obstructions. Adopted. From Committee on Public buildings and grounds recommending the appropriation $1000.00 for the improvement of Kinnear Park. Adopted. Communication from City Surveyor in regard to grade of 5th street with recommendations. Referral to Street Com.

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


683 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Dec 21 1888 Licenses ordered issued. Chiato and Lombardino - John Egan - Jones Bros Thompson and Taylor - the vote upon issuing the above licenses is as follows. In favor of same. F J Burns D E Durie Jos Green Thos Jones Jas McCombs J F McDonald U R Niesz C F Reitze. Against the same None. Bills Allowded The following bills having been duly audited are ordered paid by warrants being drawn upon the several funds as follows; to wit; Name - Fund - No Amt Remarks Geo McRae City 3582 13.50 Due from sale of imp stock Jesse F Cochran City 3583 3.40 Painting Nmbers Bridges And Coughlin City 3584 50.42 Repairs on Jail Mechanics Mill City 3585 15.00 Counter for Treasurer Wm N Hughes Ptg Co City 3586 4.50 Printing Storah and Bauman City 3587 270.00 Rebate of license Providence Hospital City 3588 261.00 Care of sick Mrs George City 3589 63.00 Nursing Hagen Family John Cunningham City 3590 25.00 Nursing Pest House Geo R James City 3591 10.00 Trip to Pest House Cross and Co City 3592 25.00 Burial of Small Pox patient Fire Geo G Startup Fire 1486 15.00 Salary Driver No 1 Silsby Mfg Co Fire 1487 16.75 Heater valves No2 D H Calligan Fire 1488 3.00 distributing Notices Busby & Davidson Fire 1489 6.00 Washing Hose James Dunham Fire 1490 7.50 Work on Plugs Ed Petterson Fire 1491 4.50 Work on Plugs Washington Iron Works Fire 1492 66.40 Work on Couplings Wm Barry Fire 1493 4.00 Distributing Hose James McIntyre Fire 1494 7.00 Extra Work at fire Ed Petterson Fire 1495 7.00 Extra Work at fire Chas Maidment Fire 1496 7.00 Extra Work at fire Collin Lock Fire 1497 1.00 Hauling Coal B N Rogers Fire 1498 4.00 Extra Work at fire [total]886.97

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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