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Park Commissioners of the City of Seattle. 19

July 10 Section 6.
1891 Each Commissioner shall be notified
at least two days previous to any special
meeting of the time place and purpose of the
same. Said notice shall be given by
the Secretary and shall be in writing
and served personally or deposited in the
Post Office two days before the day app-
ointed for holding such meeting.

Section 7.
A call for a special meeting for the
Transaction of General Business shall
be deemed to cover any & all business
that might properly be transacted at
a regular meeting.

Section 8.
No business shall be transacted at any special
meeting other than that named in the call
therefore: Except by the consent of two
thirds of the entire Board on unanimous
consent if less than two thirds are present
in which event any measure adopted by
a vote of the majority of the entire Board
shall have the same effect as if so
adopted at a regular meeting.

Section 9.
Meetings shall be called to order by the Pres.
or in his absence by the Vice President.
In the absence of both the Secretary shall
call the meeting to order when those
present may elect a President protem.

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