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20 Journal of the Proceedings of the

July 10 1891

Section 10
The roll shall be called at the
opening of each meeting and a record
made of Commissioners present or absent.
The minutes of previous meetings shall
then be read for approval and errors
noted after which the regular order
of business shall be taken up, provided
that the reading of the minutes may be
laid over to a subsequent time.

Section 11
The order of business after roll call
and reading of minutes shall be as
follows unless otherwise ordered
by the Board.

1st Petitions & Communications
2nd Presentations of Claims
3rd Reports of Officers
4th " of Standing Committees
5th " of Special "
6th " of unfinished Business
7th New Business, Motions &C
8th Adjournment

Section 12
All reports shall be in writing; as shall
also Motions and Resolutions when it is des-
ired that none that the substance thereof
be entered on the Minutes. Reports shall be
presented by the Secretary in order of their
reception by him unless the Board shall
otherwise direct and the same rule shall
apply to written Resolutions and Motions which
shall have priority over other New Business.

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