
Board of Park Commissioners Minutes, 1891 See full description in Digital Collections




Park Commissioners of the City of Seattle. 7

1891 Jany 12 Be it remembered that on this the 12th day of January AD 1891. The Board of Park Com's. of the City of Seattle met pursuant to the Call of the Chairman At Roll Call the following members were present to wit: Chairman Daniel Jones. C. N. Evans and W. E. Burgess. H. W. Miller Clerk

Whereupon the the following proceedings are had:

Minutes of the last meeting read & apprd

Motion that the City Clerk draw on the Park Fund to pay express charges on Books from New York City. Carried

Motion that the Chairman appoint a Committee to formulate a Set of Rules for the Government of the Park Com's and report at the next meeting: Carried The Chair appointed Messrs Burgess Evans and Barker as such Committee

Reports The Special Committee appointed to confer with the County Com's and State Boards reported: That they had seen the County Com's and State Board and hoped to be able to make full report in 10 days. That Com's Gasch had spoken favorably on the proposition to purchase School Land and that he would confer with the State Board at an Estimate of $97.50 per acre - On motion the Report of Com. was adopted

Last edit 6 months ago by Jannyp


8 Journal of the Proceedings of the

1891 Jany 12 Motion that the Committee continue in the matter was carried.

The Chair appointd the following Standing Committees

Finance Committee A. Barker W. E. Burgess

Designation of Grounds C. N. Evans W. E. Bailey

Judiciary Committee W. E. Bailey A. Barker

Motion to adjourn to January 24th 1891 was carried

Attest H. W. Miller Clerk [per Drown??] Depty.

Approved W. E. Burgess Chi

Jany 24 1891 January 24th AD 1891. The Board of Park Com's met in Danl Jones office - No business transacted Officially adjourned to meet 2/24/91. Carried

Last edit 6 months ago by Jannyp
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Park Commissioners of the City of Seattle. 9

Feby 24th 1891 Be it remembered that on the 24th day of Feby AD 1891 the Board of Park Com's of the City of Seattle met pursuant to the call of the Chair in the office of the City Clerk: At roll call the following members are present to wit Wm E. Bailey Abram Barker C N Evans W E Burgess Chairman Danl Jones being absent from the City

Committee Reports Special Com appointed reported that the money on hand to the credit of the Parks [Gmud] is subject to the order of the Commission by order signed by the Chairman Report adopted as read

A motion was made that the Board of Public Works be requested to set aside the rooms formerly used by Burgette Williams for the Park Com's with Desks and tables for each member of the Commission - Carried

Moved that the matter of drawing up a Bill to present to the Legislature - be turned over to the Jud Cam. to draft same & see that it is presented. Carried.

Motion to adjourn [illegible] ??? Chair Carried

Attest Hy Miller City Clk By Wm Brown Depty

Approved W. E. Burgess Chairman

Last edit 4 months ago by CathyLee


March 23rd Be it remembered that on the 23rd day of March A.D. 1891 1891 the Board of Park Coms. of the City of Seattle met pursuant to the Call of the Chair in the rooms of the City Clerk in the [unclear] block. At roll call the following members are present to wit: W.E. Burgess Chairman W.E. Bailey C.M. Evans Abram Barker.

Wherefor the following proceedings are had Minutes of the last meeing read and affirmed-

In motion of Mr. Bailey the Chair appointedCM Evans as a [committee] alone to seethat the Board of Public Works proceedchance to furnish the rooms set aside by the Commerce for the use of the Commission

Mr. Barker stated that he was not ready to report on Rules and Organization and was granted further time by the Chair.

In motion the Board adjourned until 8 PM April 2nd AD1891.

Attest HW Miller City Clk Approved Wm Drown W. E. Burgess Depty Clk Chairman

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Park Commisioners of the City of Seattle 11 Apr 2 1891 Owing to the absent of a quorum the Board of Park Coms. did not have its meeting. Mr WE Burgess being the only member present. Attest HW Miller City Clerk Approved Wm Drown W.E. Burgess Dept Clerk Chairman

April 27 1891 Pursuant to a call issued by the Chair the Board of Park Coms of the City of Seattle met this 22nd day of April AD 1891. As of 2 [unclear] pm in the rooms of the City Clerk in the Baker Block: At Roll Call the following members were present WE Burgess Chairman Abram Barker W.E. Daily CM Evans Danl Jones being absent

Whereupon the following proceedings were had Minutes of the last meeting read and approved Reports &C Mr. Barker stated that he was not ready to report on Rules and Regulation but would be at the next meeting after Boards: After some discussion on the securing of certain lands for Park purposes Motion was made to adjourn to the call of the Chair. Motion carriedAttest HW Miller City Clerk W Drown Dept Clerk Approved Chair

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