Saturday 29th 1846
struck camp early this morning
an went about 12 miles and
camped. Grass is bad. Passed seve
ral large Ranches to day.
The country is pretty much the
same in this part it being rocky
hills and occasionaly a small
Valley with a ranch. The land
is rich but subject to overflow
from the river. They raise 2 crops
of corn here a year. The second
being now about shoulder high
to a man.
Sunday Sept 7th 1846
We arrived at this place (Camar
go) Several days ago
our company and Capt Gran's
and part of Capt Hubbard's
Compy for the purpose of getting
our horses shod. Camargo is sit
uated on the Rio San Juan four
miles from the Rio Grande. The town
has been overflowed two months
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