Page 11




Status: Complete

Thursday February 15
Came from Riverside to the office
thence to Tupken's where I attended
his duaghter Isabella in confinement and left
her about noon with a fine little
daughter. Went to Fulford suffering
with a bad headachee and remaind
there all night-

Friday February 16
Came to "Millwood", and walked over
to Wm H Stabler's to see Joseph about
some hay. Gilbert Smith called-
Went to Jno M Smith's and dined. Gilbert
came with me to Riverside took tea
and spent the evening. Mrs Smith
gave me large urn or vase for the
top of our "Franklin Stove".

Saturday February 17 27 degrees Clear Windy N.W.
Jno: Lethbridge called at Riverside
for advice and med: Went to Wm Dorsey's to
prescribe for his wife, thence to Mill-
wood, where I fixed up and blacked the
Franklin stove Agustus Stabler (boy)
helped me. Saml Thomas called for
advice and med; also Marg Hardesty.
Came to Fulford to tea. Recd letter
from Harriet.

Sunday February 18
Left Fulfort about 10.30 a.m.
for Baltimore and Dr [Conslwair's.?]
Dined and feeding horse at Ellicott's
City. Renclied Dr. C's about 5. p.m.

Monday February 19 Cloudy
Remained at Dr C's all day
Talking and smoking
Expected Charley and Billy Coale from
Harford with a load of funature
but they did not come, at which
I am much disappointed-
Cold and windy

Tuesday February 20 25 degrees clear N.W
Left Dr C's about 10.15 a.m. taking him
with me, went to Balto: and thence to Ellicotts
Mills where I fed my horse, thence to Mill-
-wood. Where I met Bro C who informed me that
sister Deborah had been taken ill in my ab-
-sence. Went immediately to Riverside where I
found her delirious with "Meningitis" and
I fear in a hopeless condition. Met Dr
Magruder there in the evening.

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