Club Minutes: Enterprise Farmers Club, 1891-1911



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A letter from a grower of scarlet clover in Delaware was (?read) quoting the price at $6. to $7 according to quantity (?taken). - A number of copies of the bulletin on Scarlet Clover by the Delaware Experiment Station were (?read was crossed out) sent by the Secretary for distribution. Our host gave a very interesting account of a recent trip to Pennsylvania! - After enjoying a delightful supper we proceeded to walk over the farm and among the signs of prosperity noticed was a line of new fence and considerable old repaired with new posts. And all the buildings were neatly whitewashed. -- Our host has one of the finest fields of corn that we have seen this year also a field of whtea in shock that bids fair to make a good yield. Some fine Colts bred on the farm were seen.-- On returning fromt he walk Granville Farghhar was elected the member of the Clerk. Teh following questions were asked and answered.--

1/Ques Is is advisable and profitable to work a farm in three fields.? -- Ans Almost unanimously have five or more fields. --

2/Ques Would you use a hedge around my lawn? Ans 8 say yeas & 5 say No. The Frederick Hedge & wire fense was highly recommended. --

3/Ques Can you farm successfully with four fields? Ans Most think five or more fields are best,

4/Ques When shall shall I castrate my yearling colt? Ans Now if he is well. --

5. Ques Which is the better to plow a dead clover field or a wheat stubble for wheat? Ans Most would plow teh clover sod.

6/Ques For cutting wheat what is a fair price per acre for use of (?Binder row) Man? Ans from 50 to 60 (?C)

7/Ques Would you cut grass or haul in

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33 grain during the next few days. Ans All would haul int he grain.

8/Ques How shall I kill Honeysuckle in fence Rows? Ans No Remedy Known.

9/Ques Would you stack wheat or take change of getting it threshed from the field? Ans All say stack

10/Ques Would you work corn again if grassy? Ans Nearly all say yes.

11/Ques Does the wheat crop promise as well as last year? Ans Much differences of opinion prevailed

12/Ques How late will it do to plow a timothy sod for wheat Ans Not later than Sep 1st.

Our host has hired last year & this a cow that makes (?7w) Butter pr week for $2.50 pr mo Members absent at this meeting were (?Chas H Brooke, B H Miller (? P.T. Slabler ) (? SWW Moore) and Tho J. Lea. -- We had with us as guests Edw C Gilpin, Frank Snowden & Dr Tatum. Adjourned to meet at P.T. Stabler 8 mo 6 (?) if suitable if not suitable to meet at R. M. Stablers Chas E. Bond Sec Pro tem Read 6-8-57 Edgewood Aug 6th 1892

The Enterprise Club was called to order at 5.30 Oclock by Warwick M. Stabler.-- WWMoore P.TStabler, BHMiller & Elias E Bond were absent. After reading the minutes of the previous meeting held here. we took a walk to inspect the garden it was found int he usual good order observed at this farm. The Tomatoes were more abundant than any seen before this year. The Canteloupes were quite poor. Other vegetables were in great abundance

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34 Several Purple Plum trees were loaded with fruit: but a large portion was rolling badly the remainder of our Walk was deferred till after supper. -- Our host still keeps a large portion of his manure to top dress wheat thereby securing a good set of Grass.-- In the Corn House we found a good supply of corn and Many More Weevill than is desirable In and around the Barn everything appeared to be in place. thereby saving (?) valuable time. That would otherwise be wasted by Many of us when a tool is (?wanted) The one acre patch of Strawberries that we were told yielded 4000 qts of Strawberries this season, was in excellent order and bid fair to do well another year, The corn field was so far off that we did not see it. The Potates had been nicely worked; and for so dry a season bied fiar to yield well,m Granville Farquhar met with a warm Welcome back to the Club by the old Members of 1865.-- After Supper the following questions asked and answered,

1/Ques Would you pasture Wheat Stubble Now or wait till later. -- Ans All Say Pasture. some say prefer to wait till later, others beginNow. --

2/Ques Who will Exhibit at the County Fair Ans R.M. Stabler, A M Stabler B B Farquhar and Arthur Stabler.

3/Ques Will you sell Wheat Now? Ans Every one would thresh at once to avoid weevil and sell as soon as is convenient to do so.

4/Ques What Fertilizer do you intend to use this fall? -- Ans The Sentiment is much more for Rock alone than last year a few will use Rock & Bone (?Nuned) but Large Majority say Rock alone

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35 6/Ques Fred Stabler says will it pay him to cut the weeds on Rock Creek Meadow?. Ans All would Run a mower over it. ---

7/Ques How much land shall I use in paving my Barn Yard Ans from two to four (? inches )

8/Ques Shall I sow a sod field in Wheaton Rye?, Ans All would Sow it in Rye.

After a pleasant Meeting eve adjourned to meet at Warwick M Stabler Sep 3a 1892

Sep 3a 1892 About over Half of the members of the Enterprise Club met at Idlewilde. The buildings and stock all appeared to be in good order. -- Are extra fine 3 yr old mare colt was greatly admired by all. The number of cattle was much smaller than we have usually found here.-- The corn was partly cut. It had suffered much for rain, but was about a fair average for this season.-- The Potatoes were much injured by the (?drought.) Fruita a total failure this year. At 5.30 we were called to order at Alloway by Saml Hopkins, P T Stabler, Chas H Brooke Arthur Stabler and Granville Farquhar were absent. We had considerable discussion about the size of corn shocks, most members prefer large shocks say 16x16 or more. Thinking both, the corn(? fodder) Keep better than in small Shocks .--- The minutes of the last meeting held at Idlewilde, also of the previous meeting held were read and approved. After a bountiful Supper served by our hosts (? Nieces.) The following questions were asked and answered.

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1/Ques Wm Stabler wishes to know whether or not to cut his ragweeds? Ans Different Opinions were expressed . but this Majority favored cutting early so as to allow them to rot on the land.---

2/Ques I have some land for wheat covered with a heavy growth of weeks. which would be best to plow (?) in after it rains or cut & haul off first? -- Ans All would cut & haul off first

3/Ques What shall I charge for the use of a horse for six months? --- Ans 1 says $42. 1 says $20 5 say $25. & 5 say $21.

4/Ques I am overstocked with horses how shall I get relief? Ans Most would sell without reserve.

5/Ques Will it pay to cut rag weeds for feed next Winter? Ans About equally divided. ---

6/Ques Having some weevil in my Wheat ist it best to sell or hold?-- Ans All would sell at once.

7/Ques Would you dig early Potatoes?-- Ans Most say dig at once.

8/Ques What shall I do with a poor & lame colt one year old Ans All would kill him.

9/Ques My Hogs now weigh 125lb is it best to sell or hold on.? Ans Most all would sell at once.

10/Ques Is it too dry to sow rye now? Ans A few would sow now. but most would wait for rain.

11/Ques What is the price for pr day for cutting corn. Ans from 75c to 1.00 pr day & board.

12/Ques What is the best size & shape for an Ice house? Ans A Round House 15 ft Diameter 16 ft deep lined with (?poles) & covered with fodder.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Cheryl Beauregard
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