Page 16




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Belmont 1-27-12
In asnwer to J. [Lemar?] Jackson's question,
most would prefer to buy fodder at
6 cents per bundle rather than boiled alfalfa
hay at 27 cents per ton
N.S. was advised to thaw out fresh meat
as soon as possible and before [salty?]
There was a difference of opinion
about hauling snow to put on [ice?] in
[?] W. Morer's house, as was also the
case whether it would be wise to
exempt Montgomery Co. from a mortgage
It was thought that E. C. Thomas should
get from 1/2 to 3/5 of the crop where
he furnished the land [futilizer?] and
seed potatoes.
M. J. and R. H. M. both told G. A. Wilson
that sheep did well on [?]
J. Snowden was told that it was worth
from 5 to 8 dollars to haul two large
poles in different places about a
mile distant.
From 10 to 12 dollars per ton was thought to
be the market value of ragweed
in answer to M. J. Bentley's question.
The following delegates were appointed
to attend the [?] [?]
at Rockville Feb 22nd. A. M. [Stabler?],
N. Stabler, M. J. Stabler, GW. A. Wilson
and M. J. [?]
Then adjourned,
[?] Secretary

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