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Mt. Airy, September 1942

As we grouped ourselves on the Mt. Airy porch
and resolutely kept our gaze from the spreading
landscape, Robert Miller opened the September 1st
meeting of the Horticultural. It was our pleasure
to welcome Mrs. and Miss Stanton and all Woodlawn
Manor into membership with us.

Then the first reader, Helen Farquhar read from
a book written by a true nature lovers, who pointed out
how although September is the beginning of the resting
period, it ushers in a final burst of glowing loveliness
in woodland foliage, field and fence corners. The
letter from Ted Nesbitt was fascinating, with its
description of the Yosemite Valley where his family
camped. The meadows for 100s of yards were solid
masses of wild flowers, -a riot of beauty.

Margaret Bancroft read timely directions on
how to plant evergreens in the fall so they are
ready to make growth in the spring. Our taste trend
is towards the use of fewer varieties and for larger
evergreen trees. Other paragraphs told us that the
green leaves of open lettuce have 40 times more vit.
A than the white, as well as more flavor. Cos, best
to endure hot weather, grows fast in a crowded row.

Forethought: Now is the time to lift and
divide overgrown perennials clumps. Rhubarb and asparagus
should be mulched with manure which can be
worked into the soil next spring. A colorful shrub
well worth attention is genista, or Dyers Greenwood,
a rather dwarf shrub with handsome foliage and spikes
of yellow flowers. Boyd's in Tennessee sells it.
The getting of new plants by the layering method
was discussed.

Mary Moore Miller read of the exhibits from
Falling Green, Altonwood, Edgewood, the Highlands,
Norwood, of Woodlawn Manor's gorgeous cabbage, Clermont's
lovely Franklinia, and Tanglewood's 20 fruits and
vegetables. Elsa Thomas spoke of their cantaloupe
harvest, and it came out about their victory garden
from which went 30 and more baskets of produce, given
away. Three cheers.

The meteorologist gave his report.
The secretary was instructed to write Mr. Sam
McCeney, who has recently acquired the Sandy Spring
property, to ask him when our committee consisting of
Mary Stabler and Milton Bancroft might confer with
him regarding improvement of the spring and site.
The secretary was to write the Community Council
also, about the spring.

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