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easily imagine ouselves on board of (at?)
a fine Hotel in some Sea port
town. The furniture and trim of
these packet Ships is got up in
the finest modern Style, and as far
as eating & drinking the best which
our Country can afford will
go to prove the character of our bill
of fare we have the evidence
within us * having just risen from
a splendid dinner _ We have
a great abundance of poultry of every
kind several hogs, pigs for roasting
4 Lambs & four muttons which with the
fresh meat brought from the market
already killed, will be eno to last
us with an ordinary passage [shorthand] across
the Atlantic & back == Ice – Soda
Water – pine apples – apples – oranges
Lemons and other dried & fresh
tropical fruits – Pear, Currants, Cherries
Strawberries &c. the product of our
climate, all add to the variety –
in short it would be tedious
to detail the numerous items
in our fare _ _ And more
than this our company appears
* {[shorthand]}
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