Diary: James P. Stabler, 1827 (Volume 1)



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Last edit 9 months ago by Sandy Spring Museum
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Last edit 9 months ago by Sandy Spring Museum
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Journal &c.

6 mo 16th 1827

Left New York at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M. on 7th day in the Steam Boat and in about one hour reached the fine Packet Ship "Pacific" Bound for Liverpool then lying at anchor off the Quarantine having dropped down the afternoon before. This ship is ranked among the best belonging to the port both on act. of its trim, and rapid sailing: Commanded by Captain Rowland R. Crocker - Mate, Thaddeus Pickens, 2nd Mate Jno Jenks, Sixteen Able fine looking Seamen, Stewart, 2 Waiters, 2 Cooks, Cabin boy, one general Servant and a live stock attendant, which made up the Ships Crew, and having on board J. P. Stabler from Maryland, Cornelius Laurence his wife & servant woman from New [shorthand] York. – J Bentejac [shorthand]Lady ([shorthand])* and female Servant from N. Y., E Harris Lady & female Servt from Phila, ([shorthand]) Mrs T Vance an Irish Lady ([shorthand]) lately from Vera Cruz (Mexico) with four Sons Patrick, Thomas, Alexander & James and one daughter (about 15) ([shorthand]). Don Alonzo Jaurz Fernandez & Servant boy, Paedro from Spain – Wm Langsdon from *{[shorthand]}!!!!

Last edit 28 days ago by PrenthgiLW
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char Town S.C. [shorthand] James Templeton ([shorthand]) lately from Vera Cruz; Don José Mariade Ageo from Spain – Robert Wilson [shorthand] from Mobile James D. P. Ogden N. J., Jacob H Clark Am. Consul (Lubec)* (a Bostonian). W. C. Jackson, an Englishman who had made a Short "tour" Geo Hamilton a young man from Ch Town SC A. P. Pillot a French Mercht from Chston and Martin Frederick a german confectioner lately from Augusta Ga making in all fifty two Souls ([shorthand]). Wind & tide being against us, I had an opportunity of examing the Ship before weiging anchor, and while the Vessel was Still – She is 135ft upon deck and from the deck to the top of the mainmast 138ft, and her Burthen 600 Tons, Loaded at present with about 10,000 bushels of corn in bulk, and the bal of the cargo, Cotton. It would take pages to describe fully every comfort and convenience, as well as absolute Luxury that proffers their and to render our voyage a pleasant one. I may sum the whole up in a few words by saying that but for the motion of the Ship alone, and the noise of the water, we might *{[shorthand]}

Last edit 28 days ago by PrenthgiLW
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easily imagine ouselves on board of (at?) a fine Hotel in some Sea port town. The furniture and trim of these packet Ships is got up in the finest modern Style, and as far as eating & drinking the best which our Country can afford will go to prove the character of our bill of fare we have the evidence within us * having just risen from a splendid dinner _ We have a great abundance of poultry of every kind several hogs, pigs for roasting 4 Lambs & four muttons which with the fresh meat brought from the market already killed, will be eno to last us with an ordinary passage [shorthand] across the Atlantic & back == Ice – Soda Water – pine apples – apples – oranges Lemons and other dried & fresh tropical fruits – Pear, Currants, Cherries Strawberries &c. the product of our climate, all add to the variety – in short it would be tedious to detail the numerous items in our fare _ _ And more than this our company appears * {[shorthand]}

Last edit 28 days ago by PrenthgiLW
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