Page 20




Status: Complete

6th day 6 mo 22nd

A fine breeze this morning blowing right
aft, which tho' it makes the Ship roll
from side to side wafts us at 7 or 8 miles
the hour. Another Sail in Sight bearing
SW. The brig seen last evg rather nearer
this morg. Saw several Portuguese men
of war in compy with each other _
_ a whale seen this afternoon _ a
smooth sea and less rolling. _
Heard from the good old Capt
Crocker. Some rare storeys about
Anna Braithwaite &c and from
Wm Landgon who came over with
her at the time Bishop Hobart did
Yesterday afternoon
I received a letter from my friend
the "Ready Writer" which I must Answer

with the books he gave me he *
inclosed a portrait of the Old Patriarch
Elias. At 12 oclock took the Latitude.
Saw a plank floating on the waves
with fish round it and covered with
clams _ presently a Dolphin jumpd
over it
- Small flying fish to be
seen occasionally. I'm hoisting the
main topsail this morning. a

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