Page 17




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sent book. Here begins the third part of the
rubrics of this said book. And [it] states how
the day and night come to be (see note). Folio.

Why one does not see the stars during the day. [Folio] 90
Why one does not see the sun at night. Fo[lio] 91
How the moon receives clarity and light differently [from the sun?]. Folio 91
How the eclipses of the moon happen. [Folio] 93
Of the eclipse of the sun. Folio 94
Of the eclipse that happened upon the death of Jesus Christ. [Folio] 95
Of the nature of the sky and the stars Folio 97
Why and how the world is measured. [Folio]101
Of King Ptolemy and other philosophers. Folio 102
How the [?] were saved after the Flood [Folio] 106
Of those who found them after the Flood. Fo[lio] 107
Here [it] speaks specifically of the marvels that [Virgil] made
in [his] time by means of astronomy [Folio] 108

Notes and Questions

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Marie Richards

Lines 13-20 show water damage and have been overwritten in a different hand.

Marie Richards

Cf. BL Royal MS 19 A IX f 2v-3r
Caxton, ed. Prior, p. 4
OF, ed. Prior, pp 58-59

Marie Richards

line 20 "son": both BL and Caxton say that Virgil did the wonders, omitted here.

Marie Richards

line 15: overwritten text is unclear. Both BL and Caxton have "scriptures and sciences."