obtemperem, tibi paream, tibi iubenti obediam? Tu es enim dux vitae meae, tu magistra morum atque virtutis, tu es quae tamquam regulam in directum ducis, tu es quae a recto numquam discedis, tu es quae a veritate numquam averteris, tu es inventrix bonorum magistra morum, indacatrix virtutum, sine qua nihil vita hominis nosse potest. Per te cunctis vivendi regula datur, per te de vitae pravitate ad meliorem vitam homines adducuntur, praeceptis tuis informantur animae, si quid distortum est, tu corrigis, si quid corrigendum est tu emendas. Nihil mihi te carius, nihil mihi te dulcius, tu mihi supra vitam meam places. Deo gratias, semper
obey, to you submit, to you in command I comply? For you are the guide of my life, you are the teacher of character and virtue, you are the one who leads as a rule straight ahead, you are the one who never deviates from the right, you never turn from truth, you are the discoverer of good, teacher of manners, indicator of virtues, without whom a man's life can know nothing. Through you, all are given a rule of life, through you, from the wickedness of life, people are led to a better life, by your instructions souls are shaped, if anything is twisted, you correct it, if anything needs correction, you amend it. Nothing is dearer to me than you, nothing sweeter to me than you, you are above my life to me. Thanks be to God, always