


Status: Complete

No. 2 Series II. Form B. 5.

11 - Menstruation:

First menstruation at what age? and when thoroughly established
At 13 yrs, 4 months; regular from beginning.

Present coondition as regards menstruation

a) how frequent: every 27th or 28th day

b) is it regular or not? regular.

c) amount? How many napkins? 8 napkins.

d) duration? five days

e) pain or not? at what time as to the flow,
From 13-32 always [more??] less painful, increasingly
so as I grew older. While in College, very bad
the first day. Pain always on first day, but lassi
-tude and excessive languor on second.

f) is there any leucorrhoea (whites)? character?

constant or occasional?

g) - have you pain either frequently or habitually in the
head, small of the back? adbomen or limbs?

h) disease or trouble in Uterus (womb) or other pelvic organs
[??] disease; flexion of neck of uterus.

i) habit of bowels; how often? once a day, morning,
absolutely regular.


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