Correspondence (incoming): Grant, Julia D, 1894-1895

ALS social, reference to RR strike 1894 Feb 4 ALS and cvr. social 1894 Feb 24 ALS and cvr. would like to meet with her 1894 Mar 5 Tel. returning East [1894] May 9 Tel. arrived 1894 May 24 ALS enjoyed J.L.Stanford's car in N.Y. 1894 May 28 ALS and cvr. social, summer plans 1894 June 9 ALS social, summer plans 1894 June 21 ALS to stay in Washington with Nellie 1894 Sep 18 ALS at Washington, social news, U.S. Grant Jr. to run for Senate from California 1894 Nov 11 Tel. will come see her in NY if she waits 1894 Nov 19 ALS social 1894 Dec 16 ALS social 1895, June 19 ALS social, in Washington 1895? or '94? Nov 23


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conversation, and have you read to me those delightful passages. (I never fail to read each day a portion of the dear little book you gave me).

I am afraid I neglected to inform my son Fred and Ida, of your presence in New York. You may forgive me but I am afraid they will not. I really thought I had written, but Nell tells me they did not know you were there.

I will be entirely settled when you return here and am hoping to see much of you my dear Mrs Stanford

God bless and keep you is my sincere prayer

Julia D. Grant

Last edit over 4 years ago by MikeH
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2111 Massachusetts Avenue.

Washington D.C.

My dear Mrs Stanford

Just a line, to say how pleased am to hear from you, through my Nellie and Mr Dent. In a little more than a month, you will be here with us again, to listen to the verdict

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in your favor, for that magnificent fortune. When you will with all haste and gratitude, present to carry out the generous plans of your beloved one!

Do take good care of your self. I do wish I were with you, to listen again to your interesting

Last edit over 4 years ago by MikeH
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my maid. I know you will be pleased to hear my dear ones are all well. Ulysses my grand son is through school for the summer, and carried off all (six) of the final prizes of his school. We are feeling very proud of course Col Fred is very hard at work in his office.

Please remember me to your niece Miss Stanford and your brother whom I hope is better.

Hoping soon to meet you in Washington in both good spirits and health when you are to make your appeal for justice before the tribunal there, believe me, my dear Mrs Stanford until then a daily prayer will be made in your behalf by your sincere friend

Julia Dent Grant

Last edit over 4 years ago by MikeH
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25 East 62nd N Y

June 19th 95

My dear Mrs Stanford

I feel that I must hasten to assure you that I am not at all disappointed at the result of your inquiry for I felt sure it would be as you feared and perhaps it is best for me just as it is. I telegraphed

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you so as not to be in suspense any longer. Thank you for your prompt reply and I will hope that it all may be so arranged as to favor your interest, it would be too bad for you to lose all your improvement.

I leave here tomorrow for Manchester, Vt alone excepting

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2108 R Street

Washington D.C.

Dec 16th 94

My dear Mrs Stanford

Just a line to say how disappointed I was not to see you, and to send you my best wishes for the coming New Year. I hope the trip to Canada proved beneficial

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your brother, and to you as well my dear Mrs Stanford.

I thought of taking a house here, but instead I have concluded to go to Florida for the winter, leaving early in January.

Yours with sincere and affectionate regards

Julia D. Grant

Last edit over 4 years ago by MikeH
Displaying pages 21 - 25 of 37 in total