Correspondence (incoming): Pr - Pu, 1890-1902

Pracht, Max (American Protective Tariff League), TLS with C.C. and pledge re: L. Stanford's signed pledge Mar 11, 1896 [Prather], Mary E., ALS turn vineyards into raisin land, evils of wine Feb 25, 1895 Preston, Harriet Waters, ALS to D.S. Jordan Mar 3, 1896 Prior, Frank E., ALS thanks Mar 9, 1895 Proctor, R., May 23, 1890 and July 15 1890 TLS and ALS Pryor, Sara A., ALS (3) Jan 16-Mar 17, 1896 Puckett, Mary C., ALS with poem by her son Jan 20, 1891 Putnam, Alfred, ALS April 29, 1902


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rejoice that you have decided to turn the vineyards in to raisin lands. Oh! What a world of misery such a change would save driving out of the land so much evil, and the misery attendant upon tipplers homes.

The money spent for the wine drinking is so enormous.

I am thankful that God has given you so much love for humanity that as you have started in so glorious an undertaking you will have the

Last edit over 3 years ago by MikeH
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determination to follow it to the bitter end.

Young men spending money - energies - and often their very souls - saturating their bodies - deadening their senses with the stuff. Why my good woman, Heaven will crown you, and you will be the means of helping individuals, communities, and save crime & immorality and America, a Nation, even think of it, will feel the influence of this noble enterprise of your's. Your son would have gone

Last edit over 3 years ago by MikeH
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hand in hand with you in such a noble work. "Life is short" - "tomorrow's events known to our Creator alone"

As this note is already too long, I will leave the thought, I had in mind that I might find some thing to do in Menlo Park, for an other letter.

I am but a visitor from Ohio, and spending a few days here only.

I will write when I return home. I hope you will pardon, this note from an old lady.

Mary E. Prather

now of Michigan

I have [illegible along right side] this winter.

Last edit over 3 years ago by MikeH
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Castilleja Tuesday

My dear Dr. Jordan

I did not dare face the wintry night and go with the Castilleja household last evening to the campus - to join in the universal rejoicing over Stanford's victory in

Last edit over 3 years ago by MikeH
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Mrs Stanford and the University, that I hope you will not consider me presuming, if I offer you my most heartfelt congratulations today. The most affecting thing to me about the impromptu

Last edit over 3 years ago by MikeH
Displaying pages 11 - 15 of 52 in total