Correspondence (incoming): Pr - Pu, 1890-1902

Pracht, Max (American Protective Tariff League), TLS with C.C. and pledge re: L. Stanford's signed pledge Mar 11, 1896 [Prather], Mary E., ALS turn vineyards into raisin land, evils of wine Feb 25, 1895 Preston, Harriet Waters, ALS to D.S. Jordan Mar 3, 1896 Prior, Frank E., ALS thanks Mar 9, 1895 Proctor, R., May 23, 1890 and July 15 1890 TLS and ALS Pryor, Sara A., ALS (3) Jan 16-Mar 17, 1896 Puckett, Mary C., ALS with poem by her son Jan 20, 1891 Putnam, Alfred, ALS April 29, 1902


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commendable purpose of commemorating in a substantial manner an event of so much interest.

General Schofield reports that the monument can readily be so placed as not to interfere with any batteries which it may be found expedient to erect at that point at any future time, and that it will only be exposed to the remote chance of destruction in the improbable event of such batteries being subjected to the fire of an enemy.

I would suggest that you confer with Colonel G. H. Mendell, Corp of Engineers,

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U.S. Army, at San Francisco, as to the location, so as to make it as safe as possible.

The delay in answering your letter was occasioned by its necessary reference for information to enable me to determine what could be done in the matter.

Very truly yours,

Redfield Proctor

Secretary of War.

Mrs. Jane L. Stanford

1701 K Street N.W.

Washington, D.C.

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Los Angeles March 9/95

Mrs. Leland Stanford

Dear Madam:

Your letter written at Santa Barbara reached me this afternoon, as did also the beautiful souvenir.

I am very much gratified to know that you enjoyed your visit here and assure you I considered it a great privilege to be of any possible service to you.

I shall prize both your letter and the souvenir highly as coming from one who bears the name I deeply respect as of the man who did so much for the development and advancement of this great State.

If I can ever be of any service to you at any future time, please command me.

Very respectfully yours

Frank E. Prior

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War Department

Office of the Secretary


May 23, 1890

My dear Mrs. Stanford:

Your letter asking for a permit to erect a monument to Father Serra, on the Monterey Military Reservation, was duly received. I do not think there can be any objection to it, but I have asked for a report from General Miles, Commanding the Division of the Pacific, with reference to it, and as soon as his reply is received, I will write you again in regard to it.

Yours very truly,

Redfield Proctor

Mrs. Jane L. Stanford,

#1701 K Street.

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[Mary E. Prather about good work done by Mrs. S.]

San Francisco, California

Feb 25th 1895

Mrs Stanford

Dear Madam

Before I enter upon a word of business, will you permit me to express a grateful feeling that you & yr late husband, have done so much for the public weal.

May God bless you in your continued (rather continuing) efforts in behalf of this, and the coming generations. I

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