Untitled Page 23


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6 revisions
MikeH at Sep 17, 2020 08:11 AM

Untitled Page 23

[Left side]

the thinghs [sic] they are able
and well fitted by experience
and age to do. I am sure
no one thinks less of you
for what has transpired,
your friends are very many
and beleive [sic] in you and I
doubt if the others can feel
the same about themselves.

We shall start for Cal the 1st
of April - for only a very short
stay will be here again within
the month if all goes well with
us. I hope we will find you
there to look at you both will
be a pleasure and I hope
and trust Lydia is well by
this time. I am greatly relieved
about my sister although I
never for one moment thought
there was anything malignant
the matter with her. It was

[Right side]

really a case of effect of mind
over matter. I have had a
sore anxiety and it nearly
made me ill. We will go
away for six weeks to Europe
going June 12th. I want to get
away from care, letters of distress
and anxieties. We will go alone
only Mr. Nash and I am
reveling already in the anticipated
peace quiet restfulness of the

Mr. Stanford is much better
health than when we left Cal
and while so very many here
have been so seriously ill he
was by God's mercy escaped.
Mr. Blaine is very ill now
with the Grippe. We have tried
to live regular and to avoid
giving dinners. I gave four luncheons
that exempted Mr. Stanford from

Untitled Page 23

[Left side]

the thinghs[sic] they are able
and well fitted by experience
and age to do. I am sure
no one thinks less of you
for what has transpired,
your friends are very many
and beleive[sic] in you and I
doubt if the others can feel
the same about themselves.

We shall start for Cal the 1st
of April - for only a very short
stay will be here again within
the month if all goes well with
us. I hope we will find you
there to look at you both will
be a pleasure and I hope
and trust Lydia is well by
this time. I am greatly relieved
about my sister although I
never for one moment thought
there was anything malignant
the matter with her. It was

[Right side]
really a case of effect of mind
over matter. I have had a
sore anxiety and it nearly
made me ill. We will go
away for six weeks to Europe
going June 12th. I want to get
away from care, letters of distress
and anxieties. We will go alone
only Mr. Nash and I am
reveling already in the anticipate[d]
peace quiet restfulness of the

Mr. Stanford is much better
health than when we left Cal
and while so very many here
have been so seriously ill he
was by God's mercy escaped.
Mr. Blaine is very ill now
with the Grippe. We have tried
to live regular and to avoid
giving dinners. I gave four luncheons
that exempted Mr. Stanford from