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Status: Complete

symbolically or in my feelings when I can't believe them rationally. I Do have some
fairly firm ideas a few very vital articles of faith (centering around that
"humanism" of simple values) and a lot of things still left unanswered. But I did
find some real things in common in your letter and I know that as we talk or write
more will come to understand and appreciate each other's views and feelings more and
more. And behind it all for me in the constant reality of our precious love.

It's 11:45 darling so I'll continue this tomorrow morning. Good Night and I love
you with all my heart.


Hi again my love,

I'm back now after classes having just finished your letter about the geology field
trip and all the beautiful county side which sang out of our love. Your words describe
beautifully the same feeling I had this past weekend in the Schwarzwalk where the whole
county side was so reminiscent of that we've seen together in our many wonderful long walks and
drives where all was fresh and sort of removed from the heavy foot of man mutually beautiful.
It belonged so much to us two and I sort of saw everything half through your eyes my dearest.
And when we stopped on a bench to rest my mind on few went back to last summer's walk and
the many places we stopped to look out over our private kingdom and grow in love. And
what we share now and what we sill share on future walks together (I'm sure there will
be many) in so much deeper more real and more central to our lives than it was even last summer
that each such occasion will be infinitely richer and more wonderful.

One day yesterday in Freebergy was nothing very special. We dumped our luggage in
a locker in the train station so as to be able to walk around more comfortably. The
weather was varied it rained a little the sun broke through the heavy black clouds
now and then (usually just when it was raining)- changes every few minutes. We went
first to the "Munster", the Gothic Cathedral. Its spire was quite a beautiful thing reaching
up to the sky in graceful praise; but the rest of the structure was not to me really beautiful.
The gothic interior is not particularly interesting hight naves but with sort of flattened
ceilings which ruin the effect of the tall columns which lift your eyes. Simplicity
is too often only monotony without real style (at least to my tasks in architecture). The
stained glass windows are veryg good and really lovey lucky to be there after the heavy
war damage (though they were probably buried outside town the church itself must have
been largely demolished for the surrounding buildings were all destroyed). MAC says I
should see the Koln cathedral as the best of Gothic so I'm waiting til then to pass final

We wandered around for the next few hours windows shopping etc stopped at
an outdoor stand for a Werner and roll and in a Milchban for a glass milk
just sort of killed time until going back to the station. We did run into an American
fellow on the street a redhead from the Unversity of Indiana who is here with his with
on a Fullbright (second in a week!) studying music (piano) at the school there in
Fuiburg another nice level headed interesting mature sort of fellow as such Fullbright
type scholars seen almost always to be. Good representatives of America abroad without
even especially trying to be so. The train ride back was fairly uneventful except
that we had misread the schedule and it arrived at 7:13 pm instead of 5:13 pm
So by the time we get to Beutelsback and up the hill (by the bus) we were fairly hungry for

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