Perry letters

This series contains approximately 125 letters from Frederic Jewell Perry, class of 1900, to his mother, discussing student life on campus, especially the affairs of the Kappa Sigma fraternity.


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[left side]

day night he will probably stay for the Commencement exercises and we will all meet together.

I have invited Mae & Mabel down for Tuesday evening and they may stay for the exercises.

Have received word from all my profs. and my graduation is now certain. To morrow we receive our cards, and I'm sorry to say that at least a half dozen men who were counting on taking their A.B.'s will fail to do so.

Now, a propos of your recent letter of instructions, I should like to say this:

[right side]

Stanford, May 27, 1900

My dear Mother:

These closing days of our Senior life are crowded with reunions and festivities which will leave pleasant memories of our student life. Friday Dr. Jordan & Mrs. Jordan received the Seniors in Roble Hall, Friday evening our class entertained the Faculty & undergraduates, Saturday morning the Seniors played the annual basebal game with the Faculty and alas! Dr. Jordan and two or three profs. swatted

Last edit almost 4 years ago by hannahb25
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the ball so hard, and caught so perfectly we could not beat them. Saturday night the celebrated farce over which the sensational newspapers have fumed so vigorously was given before a big audience and carried the house. It was full of local jokes on profs. & students, and replete with [farcical?] situations.

Today Rabbi Voorsanger preached an impressive sermon from the 26th Chapter of Isaiah, the second verse, to the graduating class. The burden of his remarks was that the students should form the "righteous nation" which should put into practice the ideals of our college life.

To-morrow is class day and we place in the Quad. the class plate beneath which rests our class roll with the signatures of all of the graduates. Tuesday is Alumni day and in the evening comes the Promenade. Wed. we receive our degrees and then our college life is at an end.

You will be done on the nine train and I will send the tickets. After the exercises I will see you and Pa and if Claudes comes down Tues-

Last edit almost 4 years ago by hannahb25
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Stanford. November 19, 1899

My dear mother:

Your letter brought interesting news, particularly that part relating to Smuk & Paul. I hope Claude will exercise Smuk "in due season."

I am sorry not to be able to accept the position offered by Mr. [Wells?] but I do not think I shall lose much by it. Perhaps, a little money, but what is that contrasted with an education? Money is very essential to acquire an education, but since I have accumulated enough money to carry me through College, there is little need now in sacrificing the time to accumulate more.

I am the wonder & envy of my friends. I have been called everything from a corrupt politician to a bloated capitalist

Last edit almost 4 years ago by hannahb25
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Needs Review

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The boys seem to think that I was one of the schemers in city politics & go ing "pull" & position through my own political machinations. So, [?] my friends I have acquired a uniqueposition,and I never tak the trouble to inform my friends that my political eminence [proceeds?] from the persuasions "pull" of an indulgent aunt. I have been working fairly well the past week, but have not yet gotten under full steam. I expect to make things [f?] this week, though, and will be well under way by the remainder of the week. If everything turns out well this semester I shall be able to graduate in May with my class, if a cog slips, then my graduation will be defer ed until Sept. I anticipate making up everything, however, and graduating with my class on May 30, 1900. A.D.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by MaryV
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I am still enjoying the sunshine + the open air down here. My room is on the northwest + therefore gets little sunshine, so I am compelled to take most of my sun baths out of doors. I miss my old corner roomwhere the sun visited me in the morning + stayed with me until sundown. Our Fraternity is about to engage a house in Palo Alto and if we move into the house on Dec. 1st I shall move to Palo Alto and live with the boys. We have made premilinary arrangements toward securing a very pleasant house of ten large rooms including a nice parlor, convenient dining room and best of all a large

Last edit over 1 year ago by LibrarianDiva
Displaying pages 311 - 315 of 333 in total