File 2: Hassall family, correspondence, volume 1, pp. 691-1800, 1855-1874





MS 691

The Parsonage, Sutton Forest, 27th Decr 1855

My dear Sir

The unfavorable appearance of the day I fear will deter many from this side, from attending the Bible Society Meeting at Berrima. Many respectable persons — male and female had pro-

The  Revd. J. Hassall  Berrima

Last edit 3 months ago by ghassall


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promised me to give their attendance, "winds and weather permitting." I should rejoice to be able to attend; but I believe you are aware of the feeble state of my limbs.  Although your meeting may be thin I trust that the God of peace may be with you all —

I am, My dear Sir Faithfully  Your's Th. Stone  P.T.O. 

P.S. For any collection, to  defray expenses, or for any other purpose connected with the meeting, I beg to enclose my mite, and I also request you may present my respectful Compliments to the Gentlemen Comprising the "Deputation". Th. S.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Tintern


MS 695

Denbigh 6 Nov 1855

My Dear James  —

I do not know whether I recd your last letter but accept my thanks for it — We were not only delighted but I trust deeply impressed with our good Bishop's Visit to these parts They did not come to us on Sunday as intended being pressed to stay at Camden &c  

He preached sermon at Narellan on Sund afternoon — next day confirmed at St Pauls — stayed at Wyvenhoe all Tuesday Wedy [Wednesday] called here I rode with them to Mr Keys's & Greendale Church Confirmation & thence to Mulgoa where he again confirmed.  The solemn manner of Confirmation & his sweet addresses are very striking — May the Divine blessing accompany his labours — I am going to Sydney & hope to stop with them

Last edit 3 months ago by ghassall


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I can not express how grateful I feel that our Heavenly Father has sent us such a man to rule over & guide us — But with our mercies we have our trials — Tuesday evg [evening]  I was sent for to Macquarie Grove to visit poor old Tom Boat. He had, had his thigh broken on the Monday by a kick from a mare & they were compelled to amputate it that night Before my return he was dead & Burried — On that night Mrs Hassall told me of Thos's sad conduct — and on my return Sabbath eveng from Vermont I heard he was no more he died on Sabbath morng having hastened his end by intemperance — What a solemn warning to George and others —

I had written him a long letter but he never received it — What an awfully besetting sin is that of intemperance — but the love of money on one hand & the love of drink on the other hurries men on to destruction — I have just returned from his funeral the Revd Mr Rogers read the service — There were not many present alas my nephew !! —

We are getting on with the interior of the Church I cannot help thinking it will be a great improvement — I held service last Sabbath in the School Room & suppose we shall be one or two Sabbath more there — Mrs Barber was much pleased with your Wife & Childn

Last edit about 1 year ago by Tintern


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[Parts of this page obscured and difficult to make out. ]

What a changing world — we can now go & come back to Sydney in a day — The Bishop has kindly offered to send someone to take my duties while I go to Bathurst — but I cannot well go until our Church is [finished?]  —  I almost wish we could arrange it for you to go up & I go to Berrima — I  have written James M Hassall [&] no doubt he will be down — very soon — Your Mother is well & sends her love with Eliza. Lucy is also very well — My love & kisses to the Dear Childn Love to Fanny in which all join with Your affect  Father Thomas 

Last edit about 1 year ago by Tintern
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