



Status: Page Status Transcribed

a w D 90.34
hu at crub w D- 83.30 alis N of 2 trus in plan E
bash in pt in}
Lake Bathurst} w D - 110.10
their ridge tow 8 yt in D 123.8
d w - D 49.46
L s all them w D 36.40
[Includes map and coordinates]
wsw b w D 67.55
1st only Knole E e w D 10.50
2 d D D 21.30
[Includes maps and coordinates]
Stu at e of 55 - xe 63 of Tourang Wolowalan
Ellendon (i 717 w Tourang 125.46 Dep Ellendon 0° 3' -
17 Torang D- 74.22
m 117 - D- 57.47
Tourang Marulan - 12.3
Cone 55 is Tourang 46.37 27.45
tru Canonbilly 106.49 Tourang w Canonbilly 107°-
71 D- w - 71 Gounik 173.57
h 55 D- w h55 168.10
b shor St. D- b thu Sk 174.50
key k 55 D - key k 55 } 180°-
2 55 D- 2 55 - }
1 55 Tourang D- 175.45
* 17 D- 172.9-
k17 D- 165.0
WSW k D- 163.36
h17 D- 140.40 9of 17 the Th Sh° 106.35
l 55 86.35 10 of D
m55 83.23
n 55 82.17
or bugs m Ellendon 78.47
sing m D 77.34
sml * D E clun is D 67.52

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