a thu sk D - 61.35
v 17 D- 156.38}
N h° N D- 155.32} mountain
Cone Pabral D- 140.13 Elevn 0° 8'-
f 2 D-142.7
d 2 D- 147.8
e 2 D- 147.49
c 2 D- 152.42 Elevn 0° 22'
Dep Rocks 1°13' - Tourang w N of Rks at pt an Lake sparawn e 14° 3'
h° Unendided c 10.20
Dep Tourang 0° 13' D w double true N of group} E tea d 21.58
side Lake } of E 26°-
highest of Rks on N of above f 8.40
1 h° under their of burst 25.37
2° D 0.25'
c last St 91°-
WSW b lat st 56.58
- b last st 59.38
say t E 67.54
h 71.34
i 73.10
d last St 72.16
E h° Last St 30.57 32 Tourang 89.36
h° S there 6k Touney 67.18
Last st w - Tourang 34.30 VE h° S lost St 97.38
Cone of St before last w D - 10.45
Touring w 69 Touray 177.32
low N h° their w} Touring 20°- 70 w D - 176.15
obey for Ellendon} N of 2 true in plans of last St 42.35
Woody h° w Ellendon}
of St burn h° E11 w } Touring 110.28
3° h° of d 55 w D- 38.39°
Touring w - n° of E 7°-
p of E say C of E 9.20
h° x 5 there 4.10
Touring say w stump in }
green man paling}
S group true E Lat} 22.32
Solo bru at Rks S pt 25°-
double stumpon water supt 26°-
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