MS01.01.01 - Box 01 - Folder 08 - General Correspondence, 1974





2 are in my mind too quite often so if you contact them and if you remem ber, give them my regards too. My work has been progressing well I think even though my productivity is still not up to par (As always (smile)) Ive picked up a few patrons of late and my life seems to have moved to a point of greater order. I'm working in hartford now (as well as living here). I stay at the home of the family that owns that farm u in Colrain, Mass. - They're good people. Slides will be sent just as soon as I can get a new set made (don't worry) so they're on the way.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Vescovo


3 Thanks for that letter of recommendation I appreciate that very much. almost in the same breath, I have a request. I need to send for those paintings (7 or so) that were in the back room the Van Vechten building were all those artifacts were in the school 70-71. I'll pay for everything and I'll send the money in advance. I have a picture here of my present main involvement... a mural to go up in downtown Hartford very shortly. Its 68'x110' I wish you good fortune and mellow spiritual weather between now and the time we next touch faces. Always working, Michael always

Last edit 8 months ago by bshin9


The Genesis of The Capital City

Mural to go on Trumball & Asylum Sts in Downtown Hartford

Figures in composition (Arrows) will be lifesize

Last edit 8 months ago by JoshNass


[image alt text: line drawing of a flower cascading upwards, over and down.] October 24, 1974

Mr. D., Trying to get "organized" here... there's a lot going on here and I think I will like it here... Met Barry Gaither (with Elma Lewis) but there were no job openings. Saw Dr. Neely, he said Karen Powell is in Boston so I will try to contact her this week. Will more than likely substitute teach... Do you know of any art schools in Canada or abroad that offer scholarships in painting? (Please, let me know) over [image alt text: Arrow pointing right]

Last edit 8 months ago by smurad


if you get a chance, would you and Earl fill these in and send them to the piano Craft Guild. - thanks (blackened out area) the apartments are very nice with studios and are based on your income...

waiting to get situated so i can start painting

have you been painting lately?? has Earl done any work?

how's the situation with the Art Dept. and Fisk? Neely was saying that there is friction...

have you heard from "Little David"? Give Jai, the baby, Darius, Mrs. D. and Earl, my love... Frank Stewart (at Cooper-Union) will probably contact you - he's in Photography... Do you have Buist's address, I lost it somewhere between here and Atlanta...

My address now is To Himes (blacked out area)

Will write as soon as I'm settled?? Love, Adrienne

Last edit 8 months ago by mitchw1
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