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January 1898

packed his Shakespeare, and and showed us
the pretty illustrations. My first night in
Cissy's new home was very sweet.

Fri 14th cloudy

Sent Hallie over for me. Father started to
town about 11. I had a very disagreeable
walk home in the mud. got ready and
Aunt Eliza and I drove over to Springland for
the day - a very nice visit. The road was
dreadful. Uncle Jim called also, Susie
Barnsley. Charlie went for the mail. Star
told of Mr. Seaton Perry's suicide from mechancholia.

Sat 15th Raining

A busy morning - sweeping, cleaning, dust-
ing. I took down the hemlock that was put
up for the wedding and what a litter! Aunt
Eliza had a bad headache all day. Burn-
ed the chimneys. Father returned from town
about 5.30. Stayed most of the time at Cottage
Market - went to Barrys.

Sun 16th Cloudy & windy

Father and Mother went to meeting - Friends
Martha Townshend and Alice Robinson there.
Called at Mt. Olney and found Uncle G. much
better. Aunt Eliza and I read and looked
for Sister and Dr. Grun, but they telephoned
at dinner time, they could not come. In the af-
ternoon Cousin Charlie & Donald Kirk called &
took Aunt Eliza back with them for a visit.

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