January 1898
Tue 25th. Snowed, rained & hailed.
There is scarcely a single thing to record
today. Father and Mother churned. The
Brookeville wire broken, so we could not
get Dr. Green early, but he called me up
from Olney. Emeline sick. We cured and
expected to go to town tomorrow, but the stormy
weather will prevent. Had a regular thun-
der and lightning storm in the afternoon.
What will follow it? I gave my wheel a
grand cleaning in the aft. Heard of the
election at Annapolis of Judge Louis E. Mc-
Comac, to the United States Senate. 62. votes.
Wedn 26. Clear, with a raging N.W. wind
We all got up early, and after much hurry
and scurry, and packing, Father, Mother and
I started to Charles Town via Kensington
and Washn. went by by Brookeville for Sister.
Between Thurs and Olney The wind blew such
a gale That we were all slammed, and gone
all run trip for that day. Got the maid and
all came home. The wind blew the ladder
and fence down, and Mr. H. Harvards was do
wind mill over on his Lowes. Ed went to
Brookeville. Dr. Green came to dinner, and
took Sister home about 3. The wind killed
toward evening.
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