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3 revisions
Jannyp at Aug 15, 2021 11:07 PM



Jim & Red / Town / Gard / rails / Cold

Pillow has ordered off Jim & Reds wives, will not support
them any longer. I went to Town Our Gard, Royal, went also
I could not find him in Town & I failed in getting any guard
came home without any there are many Wagons halling the
Cedar rails from the South of Town It rained while I was in
Town & the Wind in N.W. Verry cold Jack halled some wood to
Town tryed to get protection for his Mules & wagon

1865 Jany Sat 7 / Weather / Guard Cryder / Toll / Beeves

It snowed last night the ground covered the Wind from the
North & verry cold it is clearing off. My Gard that was with
me until yesterday morning has not returned from Town I went
to Town to day & got another, a verry well behaved young man
by the name of James Polk Cryder, a Masourian 49th Regt Col
Bloodgets Command. I drove Bill Mule, Saul went with me I
have to pay 20 cents toll to Town. I see a good many Secosh
Beeves through the Country, the Negroes are Kooking them. I dont
known who is doing it there are some white men with them ingaged
in the business. Mat is staying with us for the last week or two
pretty much

Jany 8th Sun / Jack Patton / Thomas L. Wills Webster
This morning the sun rose clear & the Wind has changed to the
S. W. but it was verry cold last nigh Moderated a little this
morning Verry muddy the snow has melted nearly all off
Jack Patton has been halling wood but has been pestered by his
team being pressed during the last week, that he has not done
much. Thomas L. Porter & Wills J. Webster came late at dark, &



Jim & Red / Town / Gard / rails / Cold

Pillow has ordered off Jim & Reds wives, will not support
them any longer. I went to Town Our Gard, Royal, went also
I could not find him in Town & I failed in getting any guard
came home without any there are many Wagons halling the
Cedar rails from the South of Town It rained while I was in
Town & the Wind in N.W. Verry cold Jack halled some wood to
Town tryed to get protection for his Mules & wagon

1865 Jany Sat 7 / Weather / Guard Cryder / Toll / Beeves

It snowed last night the ground covered the Wind from the
North & verry cold it is clearing off. My Gard that was with
me until yesterday morning has not returned from Town I went
to Town to day & got another, a verry well behaved young man
by the name of James Polk Cryder, a Masourian 49th Regt Col
Bloodgets Command. I drove Bill Mule, Saul went with me I
have to pay 20 cents toll to Town. I see a good many Secosh
Beeves through the Country, the Negroes are Kooking them. I dont
known who is doing it there are some white men with them ingaged
in the business. Mat is staying with us for the last week or two
pretty much

Jany 8th Sun / Jack Patton / Thomas L. Wills Webster
This morning the sun rose clear & the Wind has changed to the
S. W. but it was verry cold last nigh Moderated a little this
morning Verry muddy the snow has melted nearly all off
Jack Patton has been halling wood but has been pestered by his
team being pressed during the last week, that he has not done
much. Thomas L. Porter & Wills J. Webster came late at dark, &