Mon 15 / Jim 8.5l Salt )
The morning is cloudy smokey & foggy & quite cool
im got 34 lbs of salt to salt up his pork at .75 cents per
bushel What will 34 lbs come to Answer to 51 cents and
that was 1 1/2 Cents per lb. I give $3.75 for the barrel of
7 bushels.
Tus 16 / Hog killing Rain )
The morning is cloudy high Wind from S. & quite warm The
boys Preston, Jack & George H. killed there hogs yesterday
high winds all day Rained nearly all day
Wed 17 / Charley $2.00 Lorra $2.00 / W. J. Webster )
The morning mostly clear high wind N. & cold
I give Charley $2.00 - $2.00
Got Lorra a pair of shoes cost - $2.00
I got a new axe handle cost - $.25
William J. Webster has gone to Henry County
1869 November Th 18 / Richd 10 lbs Monk 71 Adaline )
The morning is clear calm & cold Wind N.
Richard Got a bucket of salt 10 lbs
Adaline (by Monk) got 71 lbs of Salt.
Fr 19 / Rain / Misses cate & Matta Webster )
The morning is cloudy & raining having rained nearly all night
coming from the South mostly
Misses Cate & Matta Webster came & spent the night. Little
Leroy came also but William took him back about 9 oclock he
got a little unwell & wanted to go home
About 12 oclock the Wind changed to the north & turned verry
cold The Wind was high & it snowed verry hard for about 2 hours
Verry cold
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