Sat 20 / Hogs Pork See 12th Inst. Nov. / George H. Jack Preston Richd / George H. 109 lbs. of pork / Charley $4.50 )
The morning is partially clear Wind N. W. Snow on the
ground & verry cold
The boys are killing the ballence of our pork hogs this morning
George H. Richd, Preston, & Jack. William & Hamon is super-
intending &c We have killed 11 hogs
The weights are as follows
Got all done & hung up in Smoke house before dinner
William went to Town got Charley a pair of Boots
Cost $4.50 Got Cole oil sugar & Coffee
1869 November Sun 2 / Self )
The morning is cloudy & cold Wind N.
My General health is about like it has been for some time
Sometimes better & worst. I have been compelled to take
the Brandeth pills continually about one every night If I
let it alone I have to take it the more to git right It seems
that I cant have a passage unless I force it by medicine of
some sort I have been taking these pills for some time
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