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2 revisions
Sab005 at Sep 12, 2023 07:15 PM


If you will still go unconcerned
And still rush on in sinning
You need not hope for better times
For Sorrow's but beginning

The Steam Boat
Swine Horn
Has Just arriv'd & means to sail
For New Orleans by the next gale
She'll take such living Corpse & fare
As Wilson County - well can spare
For freight or ballast or sea-store
Cheaper than ever - was ship'd before
By 25 p* cent, and know
As soon as loaded she will go
But will not answer for bad luck
If grounded moored or sunk or stuck
Her freight she'll have without detention
By purchase theft, or circumvention
In either way it will be equal
Profit and loss; as from the sequel
Apply to Capt- Snug or board
Who a true schedule can afford
Four furlongs N* of Brient's mill
All drunken sots and lazy queens
May passage take for New Orleans
Self righteous Priests & Pharisees
Who pray within while others freeze