p. 173




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Sunday Jany. 9th. 1859

Capt. & I started [struck through:todau] this morg.
at six oclock to walk to Sandoway.
Oru servants were to follow bringing a
change of clothing. we walked at a
rapid rate through paddy fields
jungle small hills & broken roads.
the women all rushed into ther houses
as we passed & the children alsso
were frightened for us. we came to
the New road about 7 oclock it
extends 1 1/2 miles from Sandoway
already & resembled the Queens
drive Edinr. at the starting point
as it winds round a hill. the road
is being made by Mr. Beddy he having
a grant from the Govt. for it. We
arrived in Sandoway about 7:15
the Commissioner Dr. Pettayall &
Mr. Beddy had all left for
Napelly sometine before. the
Capt. & I went across to Mr.

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