Monday Jany. 17th. 1859
Up at 7 this morning could not go
out for a ride owing to the pony having
been sent to Sandoway. remained on
bd. all day. Cassiagni & the Gunner went
out in the jolly boat through the Creek
to Singh Gong. had a note from Mrs.
E say Edith & Mrs. E had had fever.
Went up after dinner in the Cutter
the 2 Master 2 Engineer Clerks Nephew
& Clerk. Called at the Capts. returned
from Sandoway at 9 on bd. at 1/2
past 10. Gun room painted slept
in the after cabin
Tuesday Jany. 18th. 1859
Up about 7. Poney has not come
1/2 past 7 Capt. came down on my
poney on bd. asked for 24hs. advance
from Contingent. (Scruffy.[?]) Henricks
came on bd. after breakfast re-
mained to dinner Bowen Cassiagni
Henricks & I went up to Sandoway
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