p. 331




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acquainted with the patients & have
once or twice gone round myself. have
been 9y. 9g. 5t. & 11. going off. beginning to
like the place very much. Dr. R. went
of[f] today [written above:to the city] I went to Church in the
afternoon. heard a sermon on Tee-
totalism. Came in had dinner &
went up to try & get into St. Pauls
but it was crowded. went on to
Ludgate Hill Church & went in
late. Came down in the evening
& wrote some letters. (went to the
Drury lane theatre one night last
week & saw Mr. & Mrs. Kean in
Much ado about nothing & the
Pantomime of "Peter Wilkins)"

Wednesday February. 6th. 1861

Went with Dr. R. to a
meeting of the Ethnological Society.
heard a paper by Mr. Crawford
on Classification of the races of

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