p. 97
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4 revisions | Dendendaloom at Apr 21, 2022 02:33 AM p. 97On the 3rd. of April, the second
day of our arrival, met [[Dr. Shillette]]
at [[Mrs. Parkes]] one of the Candian pas-
sengers. he is a Surgeon in the HEICS [Honourable East India Company Service]
& got down here on Sick leave. he
came in the "[[Octavia]]" the same
ship that [[Dr.Taylor]] my old fellow
student is surgeon for. I have been
living on board during this time
& only going on shore when the
Capt. goes.
==April 13th. 1858. Tuesday==
My 24th. birthday. time takes me
by surprise now I can scarcely fancy
it possible here I am then on my
24th. birthday on board the "[[Belgravia]]"
lying quietly at Anchor in [[Table
Bay]]. the morning is clear beautiful
& warm. the sun shining brightly
through my Cabin Window & every
thing around quiet. I get up to go on On the 3rd. of April, the second April 13th. 1858. Tuesday My 24th. birthday. time takes me p. 97On the 3rd. of April, the second
day of our arrival, met [[Dr. Shillette]]
at [[Mrs. Parkes]] one of the Candian pas-
sengers. he is a Surgeon in the HEICS [Honourable East India Company Service]
& got down here on Sick leave. he
came in the "[[Octavia]]" the same
ship that [[Dr.Taylor]] my old fellow
student is surgeon for. I have been
living on board during this time
& only going on shore when the
Capt. goes.
==April 13th. 1858. Tuesday==
My 24th. birthday. time takes me
by surprise now I can scarcely fancy
it possible here I am then on my
24th. birthday on board the "[[Belgravia]]"
lying quietly at Anchor in [[Table
Bay]]. the morning is clear beautiful
& warm. the sun shining brightly
through my Cabin Window & every
thing around quiet. I get up to go on On the 3rd. of April, the second My 24th. birthday. time takes me |