p. 117
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3 revisions | Dendendaloom at Mar 11, 2023 11:25 PM p. 117 Groom [[Mr Kian]]
did so. Upon this the Captain said he
could feel a horse's pulse as well as I
could & that he would not
ask my opinion. I replied that I con-
sidered it my duty to offer my opinion
whether or not it was accepted as I had
no power to enforce it, adding as I left
that they would see the result of their
treatment about 4 qts of blood had been taken
when the horse fell down in a state of
syncope. I recommended in case he should
not rally readily to give a stimulant
I saw him two or three times at night
& found him weak the pulse quick & weak
he could stand for some time but fell
down occasionally.
==Thursday June 24th. 1858==
This morning after breakfast sent Compts.
by [[Joe]] to ask for the loan of book on the Horse
given me by [[Col. Apperly]]. I replied I would be
very happy. I went down to my cabin to give
it to [[Joe]]. I went to look at the horse as after Groom Mr Kian Thursday June 24th. 1858 This morning after breakfast sent Compts. p. 117 Groom [[Mr Kian]]
did so. Upon this the Captain said he
could feel a horse's pulse as well as I
could & that he would not
ask my opinion. I replied that I con-
sidered it my duty to offer my opinion
whether or mot it was acceptes as I had
no power to enforce it, adding as I left
that they would see the result of their
treatment about 4 qts of blood had been taken
when the horse fell down in a state of
syncope. I recommended in cases he should
not rally readily to give a stimulant
I saw him two or three times at night
& found him weak the pulse quick & weak
he could stand for some time but fell
down occasionally.
==Thursday June 24th. 1858==
This morning after breakfast sent Compts.
by [[Joe]] to as for the loan of book on the Horse
given me by [[Col. Apperly]]. I replied I would be
very happy. I went down to my cabin to give
it to [[Joe]]. I went to look at the horse as after Groom Mr Kian Thursday June 24th. 1858 This morning after breakfast sent Compts. |